[Corpora-List] DiSS'05 (2nd call)

Jean Veronis Jean.Veronis at up.univ-mrs.fr
Wed Mar 9 14:57:32 UTC 2005

Dear Corporist,

You will find below a reminder about DiSS'05. Apologies, as always, if
you receive it through several channels.



Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2005, an ISCA Tutorial and Research
Second call for papers

DiSS 05 is the 4th meeting of the successful series of interdisciplinary
workshops on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech.

It will be held in the beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence, France, on
September 10-12, 2005 and organised by the DELIC team of the University
of Provence.

The meeting is timed to allow participants at INTERSPEECH (Lisbon,
September 4-8) to attend.

Previous meetings (Berkeley, 1999; Edinburgh, 2001; Gothenburg, 2003)
have seen papers addressing normal disfluency from a wide range of
disciplines, from automatic speech recognition and computational
linguistics to linguistic analysis, psycholinguistics (production and
comprehension), and beyond. Papers comparing normal disfluencies to
those occurring in communication disorders are also welcome.

We hope to maintain this interdisciplinary approach in 2005 and would
therefore welcome submission of 4-page papers by April 8, 2005, for
review. Once accepted, papers may be revised and extended to 6 pages in
preparation for publication in the workshop proceedings.

Papers should be submitted by email to papers at disfluency.org in RTF
format. The template for submission is available on the workshop website:


For further information about the workshop, please visit the website at:


or contact the organisers at diss05 at disfluency.org.

Kind Regards,

The DiSS Planning Team

* Jean Veronis DELIC, Université de Provence, France.
* Robert Eklund Teliasonera, Sweden.
* Robin Lickley Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, UK.
* Liz Shriberg SRI International and International Computer Science
Institute, USA.
* Åsa Wengelin Lund University, Sweden.

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