[Corpora-List] Call for papers: Romance corpus linguistics

Claus Pusch pusch at uni-freiburg.de
Sat Mar 26 02:03:05 UTC 2005


Corpora and Pragmatics: Speech acts and context-bound interaction in the
light of corpora and data-bases

organized by the Department of Romance Languages of Albert-Ludwig

Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), September 14th-17th, 2006


Corpus linguistics as a methodological approach aiming at collecting,
marking-up and documenting real-life language data is confronted with
particular challenges when its products - corpora and linguistic
data-bases - are intended to be useful and usable for pragmatic research
issues. Among the issues that will be dealt with in this workshop are
the following: which elements of the extra-linguistic context are
selected, how are they encoded, and in which way can they be linked to
the verbal data? Which types of annotation methods and which technical
options of multimediality and information layering are available in
order to document para-linguistic (mimic or gestural-kinetic) action?
According to which sociolinguistic or historical parameters are texts
and language data chosen in order to arrive at an adequate corpus-based
description of the synchronic variation and the diachronic dynamism of
speech acts, registers and genres, norms of linguistic behavior, and
traditions of speaking? To which extent are frequency values and
patterns of co-occurrence - information so easily obtained through
computer-aided corpus-based research - useful for a better understanding
of speaking in a context which, according to its basic conception, is
oriented towards individual case studies?

The workshop will be organized in two panels:

Panel A "Corpus projects, language data management and analysis tools":
This panel will be devoted to the presentation of currently on-going or
completed corpus and database projects in the realm of Romance
linguistics; the main focus will be on corpus projects which aim at
complementing textual and transcription data with context information,
situational parameters and meta-information on textual genres and
traditions of speaking.

Panel B "Corpus-based pragmatic studies on Romance languages": This
panel will focus on contributions based on corpus data and linguistic
databases which comprise specific linguistic facts and phenomena
relating to different areas of pragmatic research (i.e.: organization of
utterances and information structure, discourse markers and strategies
of modalization, gender-specific discourse structures, synchronic
variability and diachronic change in the realization of speech acts

Paper submissions: Please submit paper proposals by sending an abstract
(approx. 250 words) including your name, academic affiliation, mail and
e-mail address. Abstracts in electronic form (ASCII, MS-WORD, HTML or
PDF files), sent as e-mail attachments to <info at corpora-romanica.net>,
are strongly encouraged. The deadline for submission of papers is March
15th, 2006. Papers may be read in German, any Romance language, and
English. Confirmation of acceptance of your paper will be sent out
before April 15th, 2006. If there are more proposals than panel slots, a
part of the contributions will be presented during a poster session.

For more information on the conference, on fees, social program, travel
and accomodation, etc., please have a look at the conference web page at
<http://www.corpora-romanica.net>, or contact the workshop's convenor:

Claus D. Pusch
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet, Romanisches Seminar
Werthmannplatz 3, D-79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Fax +49 / 7 61 / 2 03 31 95
E-mail <info at corpora-romanica.net>

Dr. Claus Dieter Pusch
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg im Breisgau
Romanisches Seminar - Lehrstuhl Prof. Raible
(office) Werthmannplatz 3 - D-79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
(home) Erlenhofstrasse 6 - D-79256 Buchenbach
Fon (office) +49/761/203-3172  (home) +49/7661/6310
Fax (office) +49/761/203-3195  (home) +49/7661/6310

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