[Corpora-List] Representation of headers within sentences

Astrid Ensslin Astrid.Ensslin at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Aug 21 14:13:17 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues,

Could anyone give advice as to how headers that occur within sentences are generally represented in XML (TEI.2)? I'm presently annotating a corpus of historical German newspaper texts from 17th century, where article headers are often integrated in a sentence starting in the previous paragraph/article. Hope you can make sense of the following example.

(previous article ending with)."Gemeldte Unterthanen haben eine desto grössere Unlust gegen die Krohne Franckreich. Von
      Cölln (header)
schreibet man, daß der Cardinal Fürstenberg auf der Reise/ nach Cölln kommen solle." (=first sentence of new article)

I'd appreciate any kind of help. My XML-editor (Exchanger) does allow me to put headers within sentences but I'd like to know whether this is common practice.

All the best,


Dr Astrid Ensslin
ESRC Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: 0044-(0)161-2758905
Fax: 0044-(0)161-2753031
Email: astrid.ensslin at manchester.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/Research/Projects/GerManCproject/AstridEnsslin/
ESRC GerManC Project:

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