[Corpora-List] Conference "Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface" - Second call for papers...

Ute Römer ute.roemer at anglistik.uni-hannover.de
Sun Feb 12 15:09:02 UTC 2006

Second Call for Papers
Call deadline: 15 March 2006 

"Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface" (ELeGI 2006) International
5-7 October 2006
University of Hanover, Germany

We would like to announce a 3-day international conference on the topic
"Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface" that will be hosted by the English
Department at the University of Hanover, Germany, from 5-7 October 2006
(Thursday to Saturday). 
Conference organisers: Rainer Schulze and Ute Römer
Contact: Ute Römer, ute.roemer at anglistik.uni-hannover.de   

Over the last two or three decades, research in corpus linguistics has shown
that lexis and grammar are closely interdependent. The conference aims to
bring together scholars with a common interest in aspects of lexis-grammar
co-selection in the English language. We aim to discuss empirical evidence
on the inseparability of lexis and grammar, and explore in what respects
these two parts that are often treated separately in linguistic description
form an organic whole. 

We are pleased to announce that the following keynote speakers have accepted
our invitation:
Professor Sylviane Granger, University of Louvain, Belgium 
Professor Michael Hoey, University of Liverpool, UK 
Professor Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham, UK 
Professor Joybrato Mukherjee, University of Giessen, Germany 
Professor Michael Stubbs, University of Trier, Germany

We invite the submission of 1-page abstracts (300-500 words, excluding
references) for 20-minute presentations (plus discussion) of original
research on any aspect related to the conference theme, including (but not
restricted to) pedagogical, diachronic, and genre-specific aspects.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 March 2006. All abstracts will
be reviewed and authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 1 May
To submit your abstract, please use the Word form that is available on the
conference website at http://www.elegi-2006.com and send it as an email
attachment to ute.roemer at anglistik.uni-hannover.de.  

Best wishes... Ute

Dr. Ute Römer
English Department
University of Hanover
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover
Phone: +49 (0)511 762 2997
Fax: +49 (0)511 762 2996
E-mail: ute.roemer at anglistik.uni-hannover.de 
NEW conference website: "Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface" (ELeGI, 5-7
October 2006) http://www.elegi-2006.com     

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