[Corpora-List] 3rd CfP: LREC2006 Workshop "Crossing media for improved information access" - deadline extended

Stelios Piperidis spip at ilsp.gr
Fri Feb 17 14:38:31 UTC 2006

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Third Call for Papers


International Workshop on

"Crossing media for improved information access"

Tuesday, 23 May 2006
Half-day workshop (morning session)

In Association with the 5th International Conference on Language Resources
and Evaluation, LREC 2006
Main Conference: 24-25-26 May 2006
Magazzini del Cotone Conference Centre
Genoa, Italy

The i2010 initiative, adopted under the renewed Lisbon agenda, concerns
information, communication and media industries and caters, among others,
for the possibility of European citizens to "watch or listen to audiovisual
content anytime, anywhere and on all technical platforms (TVset, computer,
mobile phone, personal digital assistant, etc.)". In fact, much of the
information that reaches the user nowadays is in digital form: digital
radio, music CDs, MP3 files, digital satellite and digital terrestrial TV,
personal digital pictures and videos and, last but not least, digital
information accessed through the Web. This information is heterogeneous,
multimedia and, increasingly, multi-lingual in nature.

The development of methods and tools for content-based organization and
filtering of this large amount of multimedia information that reaches the
user is a key issue for effective content consumption. Advances in
medium-specific (audio, image, text) processing have facilitated the
development of tools for indexing multimedia content. It is no coincidence,
for example, that text-based indexing methods of such content prevail; text
processing has reached a level of maturity that enables shallow semantic
analysis for identifying keywords, terms and named entities as indexing
terms, with considerable progress being made in the extraction of events and
facts, i.e. a wealth of information for more accurate indexing. Experiments
are ongoing on applying this type of indexing on speech recognition output
as such or/and on associating web text to such output (for recovering from
ASR mistakes) and then performing text-based indexing (cf. work within the
PRESTOSPACE project, www.prestospace.org); speech processing can provide
automatic speech transcriptions of good quality (in certain acoustic
conditions), as well as speaker turn and identification information. On the
other hand, image-based indexing methods for multimedia content rely on
basic image processing and in particular on the extraction of keyframes,
shotcuts and low-level image features, while progress in developing face
detection, face identification and object recognition technologies
contribute to a more promising future for such approaches.

However, competitions such as TRECVID and Image-CLEF have shown that some
benefits in performance can be gained through the fusion of the results of
visual and linguistic analyses of multimedia content. Research on the
automatic association of images with corresponding textual data go beyond
fusion of medium-specific results to multimedia integration for, among
others, indexing and retrieval applications (cf. work on UP-TV, ACEMEDIA and
BUSMAN projects), while a more general notion of "crossing media" within
or/and across documents seems to emerge too (cf. the REVEAL THIS project,

The workshop aims at exploring these new tendencies in accessing multimedia
content by bringing together researchers working on the development of
indexing technologies for archived and contemporary multimedia content. The
focus of the workshop is the notion of "cross-media" mechanisms for
multimedia indexing and retrieval and its realisation in research
prototypes. Topics of interest to the workshop include (but are not limited

·	Exploration of the notion of "cross-media" mechanisms
·	Modality/medium interaction relations in multimedia data collections
·	Methods for cross-media indexing within and/or across documents
·	Medium-specific processing for facilitating cross-media indexing
·	Resources needed/built for cross-media indexing
·	Annotation needs for cross-media indexing resources
·	Evaluation methods


The workshop will consist of oral and poster presentations.

The submissions should be sent by e-mail to lrec06-cross-media at ilsp.gr no
later than  27th February 2006 and should consist of max. 7 pages
(inclusive of references, tables, figures and equations), in English

Style files can be downloaded from

All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates

·	Deadline for paper submission: Monday, 27th February
·	Notification of acceptance: Monday, 20th March
·	Camera ready paper submission:  Monday, 3rd April
·	Workshop: Tuesday, 23 May 2006, morning


Stelios Piperidis, Institute for Language and Speech Processing,
spip at ilsp.gr
Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield, hamish at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Valentin Tablan, University of Sheffield, V.Tablan at Sheffield.ac.uk

Programme Committee

Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield
Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield
Fabio Crestani, University of Strathclyde
Gabriela Csurka, Xerox Research Center
Gregory Grefenstette, CEA
Paola Hobson, Motorola UK
Franciska de Jong, University of Twente
Eric Gaussier, Xerox Research Center
Joachim Koehler, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication
Yannis Kompatsiaris, Informatics and Telematics Institute
Harris Papageorgiou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing
Katerina Pastra, Institute for Language and Speech Processing
Stelios Piperidis, Institute for Language and Speech Processing
Laurent Romary, LORIA - CNRS
Tinne Tuytelaars, K.U.Leuven
Peter Wittenburg, Max Planck Institute

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