[Corpora-List] SEMEVAL-2007 TASK #16: Evaluation of Wide Coverage Knowledge Resources: Information for participants

Montse Cuadros cuadros at lsi.upc.edu
Sat Feb 3 13:03:13 UTC 2007

[Apologies for multiple postings]
[Please distribute widely]

Task #16: Evaluation of Wide Coverage Knowledge Resources

     * Organized by:
           o Montse Cuadros (IXA NLP group, Basque Country University)
           o German Rigau (IXA NLP group, Basque Country University)


In order to measure the relative quality of the knowledge resources
submitted for the task, we will perform an indirect evaluation by using
all the resources delivered as Topic Signatures (TS). That is, word
vectors with weights which are associated to a particular WordNet
synset. A weight of 1 will be given to each word in the TS for those
words without weights. This simple representation tries to be as neutral
as possible with respect to the evaluation framework.

All knowledge resources submitted for the task will be indirectly
evaluated on a common Word Sense Disambiguation task. In particular, we
will use the English Lexical Sample framework of SemEval-07. That is,
using a
limited number of words and annotated test examples for their word
senses. All performances will be evaluated on the test data using the
scoring system provided by the Lexical Sample task organizers.

Furthermore, trying to be as neutral as possible with respect to the
semantic resources submitted, we will apply systematically the same
disambiguation method to all of them. Recall that our main goal is to
establish a fair comparison of the knowledge resources rather than
providing the best disambiguation technique for a particular semantic
knowledge base.

A simple word overlapping counting (or weighting) will be performed
between the Topic Signature and the test example. We will also consider
multiword terms. Thus, the occurrence evaluation measure will count the
amount of overlapping words and the weight evaluation measure will add
up the weights of the overlapping words. The synset having higher
overlapping word counts (or weights) will be selected for a particular
test example.


The participants, having wide-coverage semantic resources associated to
WordNet, will receive a list of word senses. In a very short time, they
should submit the appropriate Topic Signatures for the corresponding
word senses.

We will also stablish a set of baselines using existing wide coverage
semantic resources such as WordNet, MCR, etc.

Trial Data

There is available the trial data including the Topic Signatures format at
SemEval'07 website:


Montse Cuadros and German Rigau. Quality Assessment of Large-scale
Knowledge Resources. EMNLP'2006.
Sidney, Australia.

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