[Corpora-List] POS Tagger for German / Java

Michael Sonntag sonntag_michael at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 9 19:51:02 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I am currently working on a system for toponym recognition in natural german 
(web-based) text documents, as my master thesis.
The system uses a POS tagger for extracting good NE candidates for a 

Now, here my question arises
1. Do you know of any good POS tagger for German language, best Java-based? 
(I need only the NE-tagged tokens.)
2. I used tnt, but that one is based on perl/C, and it is not easy to 
integrate into my java framework.
3. I also used qtag. But it comes only with a, for my task too small data 
base (lexicon and matrix).

So, is there any POS tagger out there that is easy to use and up for the 

Cheers & thx for listening in, yours
Mike Sonntag

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