[Corpora-List] SemEval-2007 release of trial datasets

Eneko Agirre e.agirre at ehu.es
Wed Jan 17 15:51:58 UTC 2007

	     ~~~~~ Apologies for multiple postings ~~~~~~

		   SemEval-2007 (formerly Senseval)
	  4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations
		  an ACL-SIGLEX event at ACL, Prague

		      Release of trial datasets



SemEval-2007 is pleased to announce the release of the trial datasets
prior to the competition. The call for expressions of interests showed
that there is widespread interest, as 145 teams from all over the
world expressed their interest in participating in at least one of the
19 tasks:

* Evaluating WSD on Cross Language Information Retrieval
* Evaluating Word Sense Induction and Discrimination Systems
* Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in the Prague Dependency Treebank
* Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals
* Multilingual Chinese-English Lexical Sample Task	
* Word-Sense Disambiguation of Prepositions
* Coarse-grained English all-words
* Metonymy Resolution at Semeval-2007
* Multilevel Semantic Annotation of Catalan and Spanish
* English Lexical Substitution Task for SemEval-2007		
* English Lexical Sample Task via English-Chinese Parallel Text
* Turkish Lexical Sample Task	
* Web People Search
* Affective Text
* TempEval: A proposal for Evaluating Time-Event Temporal Relation
* Evaluation of wide coverage knowledge resources
* English Lexical Sample, English SRL and English All-Words Tasks
* Arabic Semantic Labeling
* Frame Semantic Structure Extraction

Please visit the Semeval webpage for downloading the datasets. Note
that some of the  are still working on their datasets, which will
be released soon.

The evaluation is scheduled to start February the 26th up to April the
1st, and the workshop will be in June in conjunction with ACL-07 in
Prague. As with previous evaluations, participants will test their
systems on common data sets. In some tasks, training data is also

Check http://nlp.cs.swarthmore.edu/semeval for details.

Thanks for your interest!

SemEval organizers
Eneko Agirre
Lluís Màrquez
Richard Wicentowski

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