[Corpora-List] RF

Timothy Baldwin tim at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jan 19 05:57:09 UTC 2007

Dear all,

Welcome to the new year.

Allow me to announce that the unthinkable has happened -- after only 6 weeks,
the RF position description is finally up on the HR web site:


with the due date for applications set at 23 Feb, 2007. Sincere apologies for
this having taken so long. A whole swag of things colluded to draw out the process
of setting the advertisement up, but we finally got there. The job is
apparently advertised on seek.com.au at present, and we have license to send
it out to whatever mailing lists we feel are appropriate. The sum total of
mailing lists suggested is, themed into different areas:

CHI: chisigmail at chisig.org,Keith Cheverst <kc at comp.lancs.ac.uk>,<um at di.unito.it>, <ah at listserver.tue.nl>, <adaptive at topica.com>, <ml4um at gmd.de>, <CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS at acm.org>, <hci at bcs.org.uk>, <II_CHI at acm.org>, <moderator at chisig.org>, <sw-ergo at gui-design.de>, <collab at sims.berkeley.edu>, <chi-II at acm.org>, <CHISIG at CSSE.SWIN.EDU.AU>

CL: <acl at aclweb.org>,<sigdial at loria.fr>, <CORPORA at uib.no>, <elsnet-list at let.uu.nl>, <alta-tech at ics.mq.edu.au>

ITS: <its-arch at list.pitt.edu>, <its at IRO.UMontreal.CA>, <jaied at cbl.leeds.ac.uk>, <aiedsoc at cogs.susx.ac.uk>, <abis at learninglab.de>

AI: <uai at cs.orst.edu>, <ml at isle.org>, <editor at kdnuggets.com>, <grin at di.unipi.it>, <sigiia at sparc20.ing.unimo.it>, <aiia at dis.uniroma1.it>, <aisb at cogs.susx.ac .uk>

I wonder if it is best if those who have "ownership" of each individual area
looks after send out a description to the relevant mailing lists, in order to
maximise impact? I'll happily look after CL. Are we happy sending out the
attached text-based advertisement?

-------------- next part --------------

Position Description:

Title:          Research Fellow, level A or level B
Position No:    0016379
Salary:         $45,944 - $62,346 p.a. (Research Fellow, Level A), $65,630 -
		$77,934 p.a. (Research Fellow, Level B), plus superannuation
		contributions of 9 percent
Term:           12 months full time in the first instance, with the
                possibility of a 12 month extension

Position Summary:

The appointee will apply techniques from user modelling and language
technology to help people navigate information rich, physical environments,
focusing on the museum domain. Specifically, the appointee will work at the
interface between user modelling and language technology, in developing and
implementing collaborative and content-based user modeling techniques, and
amalgamative language modelling/content delivery techniques.

This position is sponsored by the Australian Research Council (ARC) as a
collaborative effort between the User Modeling and Natural Language Group at
Monash University [1], and the Language Technology [2], Agent Research [3] and
Interaction Design [4] Groups at the University of Melbourne. The appointee
will divide his/her time between Monash University and the University of

[1] http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/research/umnl/
[2] http://lt.csse.unimelb.edu.au/
[3] http://www.dis.unimelb.edu.au/research/groups/agent/index.htm
[4] http://www.dis.unimelb.edu.au/research/groups/interactiondesign/index.html

Selection Criteria:


The applicant should be familiar with artificial intelligence and machine
learning/statistical modelling techniques, in addition to:

- Postgraduate qualifications/training and research/publication track record
  in a relevant area, such as statistical modelling, user modelling and/or
  language technology

- Strong background in statistical and probabilistic techniques (e.g. Bayesian
  networks, Dynamic BNs, Markov models)

- Well-developed and demonstrable programming skills (e.g. in C, C++, Java,
  Perl and/or Python)

- Demonstrated ability to manage competing priorities and excellent time
  management skills.

- Outstanding written and verbal communication skills.

- Demonstrated ability to work independently and effectively as a member of a
  research team.

- Well-developed problem solving skills.


Familiarity with language technology techniques is desirable, as is:

- Experience in a Computer Science research environment

- PhD in a related field (e.g. user modelling, language technology or
  artificial intelligence)

For informal enquiries contact Timothy Baldwin
(tim at csse.unimelb.edu.au). Further particulars for this position can be found


The closing date for applications is 23 Feb, 2007. 

Applications must address the selection criteria, quote the position number
and include the contact details of three referees. Applications should be
lodged online, via:


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