[Corpora-List] CoNLL Shared Task 2007: Extended Deadline for Registration

Joakim Nivre nivre at msi.vxu.se
Tue Jan 23 10:48:07 UTC 2007

		CoNLL Shared Task 2007
   Third and Definitely Final Call for Participation
	Due to problems with the e-mail address
	  for registrations, the deadline has 
             been extended to January 26.  	   	   

The shared task at the Conference on Computational Natural 
Language Learning (CoNLL) 2007 will for the second year 
running be devoted to dependency parsing. Unlike in 2006,
there will be two separate tracks:

1. Multilingual Track: The first track of the shared task 
   will be organized in the same way as the 2006 task (see
   http://nextens.uvt.nl/~conll/) with annotated training 
   and test data from a wide range of languages, which should
   be processed with one and the same parsing system. The 
   languages this year will be Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese,
   Czech, English, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, and Turkish.

2. Domain Adaptation Track: The second track of the shared
   task will investigate techniques for adapting current parsing 
   technologies to domains outside of the data from which they 
   were trained. The single language for this track will be 
   English and the data will consist of 1) a large annotated 
   training set of news related text, 2) a small annotated 
   development data set of non-news text, 3) one or more small 
   test data sets of non-news text, 4) large unlabeled 
   corpora extracted from the domains of the training, 
   development and test data.

The shared task will be part of the joint EMNLP-CoNLL conference 
to be held in conjunction with ACL-07 in Prague, June 28-30, 2007. 
The important dates for the shared task are as follows (please
note that some dates have been shifted slightly after the first

Registration of participants			January 26, 2007
Release of training (and development) data	January 29, 2007
Release of test data				March 26, 2007
Submission of test runs				March 30, 2007
Submission of papers				April 14, 2007
Notification of acceptance			April 25, 2007
Submission of final version of papers		May 9, 2007
EMNLP-CoNLL conference				June 28-30, 2007
In order to take part in the shared task, participants should 
register their intent to participate, in either or both of the 
two tracks, by sending an e-mail to conll07st at uvt.nl. 

The website for the CoNLL shared task 2007 is 
This site is updated continually, so please make sure
to check it out from time to time. 

Questions about the CoNLL shared task 2007 can be sent to
conll07st at uvt.nl.

The organizers

Joakim Nivre
Johan Hall
Sandra Kübler
Ryan McDonald
Jens Nilsson
Sebastian Riedel
Deniz Yuret

Joakim Nivre

Växjö University		Uppsala University
School of Mathematics		Department of Linguistics
and Systems Engineering		and Philology
SE-35195 Växjö			Box 635, SE-75126 Uppsala

Tel: +46 470 708992		Tel: +46 18 4717009
Fax: +46 470 84004		Fax: +46 18 4711094
E-mail: nivre at msi.vxu.se	E-mail: joakim.nivre at lingfil.uu.se

URL: http://www.msi.vxu.se/users/nivre

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