[Corpora-List] 2d CFP : International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU)

besacier laurent.besacier at imag.fr
Mon Nov 12 09:49:52 UTC 2007

The International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for 
Under-resourced languages (SLTU) will be held at Hanoi University of 
Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 5 - May 7, 2008.

Workshop Web Site :        http://www.mica.edu.vn/sltu

The STLU meeting is a technical conference focused on spoken language 
processing for under-resourced languages. This first workshop will focus 
on Asian languages, and the idea is to mainly (but not exclusively) 
target languages of the area (Vietnamese, Khmer, Lao, Chinese dialects, 
Thai, etc.). However, all contributions on other under-resourced 
languages of the world are warmly welcomed.
The workshop aims at gathering researchers working on:
 * ASR, synthesis and speech translation for under-resourced languages
 * portability issues
 * fast resources acquisition (speech, text, lexicons, parallel corpora)
 * spoken language processing for languages with rich morphology
 * spoken language processing for languages without separators
 * spoken language processing for languages without writing system
 * ...

Important dates

 * Paper submission: January 15, 2008
 * Notification of Paper Acceptance: February 20, 2008
 * Author Registration Deadline: March 1, 2008

Scientific Committee

 * Pr Tanja Schultz, CMU, USA
 * Dr Yuqing Gao, IBM, USA
 * Dr Lori Lamel, LIMSI, France
 * Dr Laurent Besacier, LIG, France
 * Dr Pascal Nocera, LIA, France
 * Pr Jean-Paul Haton, LORIA, France
 * Pr Luong Chi Mai, IOIT, Vietnam
 * Pr Dang Van Chuyet, HUT, Vietnam
 * Pr Pham Thi Ngoc Yen, MICA, Vietnam
 * Dr Eric Castelli, MICA, Vietnam
 * Dr Vincent Berment, LIG Laboratory, France
 * Dr Briony Williams, Bangor University, UK

Local Organizing Committee

 * Pr Nguyen Trong Giang, HUT/MICA
 * Pr Ha Duyen Tu, HUT
 * Pr Pham Thi Ngoc Yen, HUT/MICA
 * Pr Geneviève Caelen-Haumont, MICA
 * Dr Trinh Van Loan, HUT
 * Dr Mathias Rossignol, MICA
 * M. Hoang Xuan Lan, HUT

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