[Corpora-List] Call for Participation: GlobEng International Conference on Global English 14-16 Feb. 2008 Verona

elisabetta adami lisa.adami at hotmail.it
Mon Jan 21 16:41:47 UTC 2008

Dear all,

The programme of "GlobEng, International Conference on Global English" (University of Verona, 14-16 February 2008) is now online:


The programme includes plenary lectures by David Crystal, Jennifer Jenkins, Alan Maley, Barbara Seidlhofer and Simon Sweeney, together with parallel sessions and poster presentations.

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the presentation of research discussing issues related to the role of English as a global language.
The debate over the status of English as an International language has flourished over the past few decades and is still open to new developments.
Starting from the awareness of the undisputedly prominent role of English as a Lingua Franca in international communication, the fact that native speakers are currently a minority, compared to second-language users of the language, has been repeatedly highlighted.
The changing status of English has led to the emergence of a new linguistic scenery. On the one hand, the native varieties have become highly differentiated and acquired
greater autonomy, while on the other, the rapid growth of a community of non-native speakers, thanks to increasing international exchanges, has triggered a reflection on the possible rise of a new International English, as opposed to the current native varieties.
A wide range of issues are brought to the fore in this connection, especially focusing on the possible evolution of the current scenario, both in Europe and in the rest of the world, with a reflection on (and a possible revision of) the notion of Standard, and the crucial implications that prospective developments might have on English Language Teaching

The conference will host the Satellite Symposium "Native and non-native mediated discourse and the changing English language".

Scientific Coordinator: Cesare Gagliardi
Scientific and Organising Committee: Cesare Gagliardi, Roberta Facchinetti, Roberto Cagliero, Marta Degani, Maria Ivana Lorenzetti, Paola Vettorel, Anna Zanfei, Elisabetta Adami, Anna Belladelli, Cristiana Chiarini, Cristina Gatti, Sharon Hartle.

email: globeng at lingue.univr.it
website: http://profs.lingue.univr.it/globeng/index.html

Looking forward to meeting you in Verona.

Best regards,

Elisabetta Adami
on behalf of
GlobEng Scientific and Organising Committee

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