[Corpora-List] Survey on Voice of the Customer text analytics best practices

Seth Grimes grimes at altaplana.com
Fri Jun 27 18:19:23 UTC 2008

Hello all,

 	I have created a short, practitioner focused survey for users and 
consultants on Voice of the Customer text analytics best practices. 
There are seven questions plus a comment field.  The survey should take 
less than 5 minutes to complete.  If you are involved with VoC text 
analytics or are looking at solutions for possible adoption, please 
respond to the survey at --




P.S. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to others.  And this survey 
is not for technology or solution vendors.

Seth Grimes   Alta Plana Corp, analytical computing & data management
               Intelligent Enterprise magazine (CMP), Contributing Editor
grimes at altaplana.com       http://altaplana.com    +1 301-270-0795

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