[Corpora-List] NAACL-HLT-09: Call for Tutorial Proposals

Diana Inkpen diana at site.uottawa.ca
Mon Nov 24 00:35:06 UTC 2008

NAACL-HLT-09: Call for Tutorial Proposals

Proposals are invited for the Tutorial Program of the North American
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human
Language Technologies (NAACL HLT) 2009 Conference. The conference is to
be held from May 31 to June 5, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado. The tutorials
will be held on Sunday, May 31.

Proposals for tutorials on all topics of computational linguistics and
speech processing, such as processing for purposes of indexing and
retrieval, processing for data mining, and so forth, are welcome.
Especially encouraged are tutorials that educate the community about
advancements in speech and natural language processing occurring /in
situ/ with contextual awareness, such as understanding speech, language
or gesture in particular physical contexts.

Information on the tutorial instructor payment policy can be found at
http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/index.php?title= Tutorial_teacher_payment_policy

PLEASE NOTE: Remuneration for Tutorial presenters is fixed according to
the above policy and does not cover registration fees for the main


Proposals for tutorials should contain:

 1. A title and brief description of the tutorial content and its
    relevance to the NAACL-HLT community (not more than 2 pages).
 2. A brief outline of the tutorial structure showing that the
    tutorial's core content can be covered in a three-hour slot
    (including a coffee break). In exceptional cases six-hour tutorial
    slots are available as well.
 3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
    the tutorial instructors, including a one-paragraph statement of
    their research interests and areas of expertise.
 4. A list of previous venues and approximate audience sizes, if the
    same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere; otherwise an
    estimate of the audience size.
 5. A description of special requirements for technical equipment
    (e.g., internet access).

Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text no
later than January 15, 2009 to tutorials.hlt09 "at" gmail "dot" com. The
subject line should be: "NAACL HLT 2009: TUTORIAL PROPOSAL".


 1. Proposals will not be accepted by regular mail or fax, only by
    email to: tutorials.hlt09 "at" gmail "dot" com.
 2. You will receive an email confirmation from us that your proposal
    has been received. If you do not receive this confirmation 24
    hours after sending the proposal, please contact us personally
    using all the following emails: ciprianchelba "at" google "dot" com,
    kantor "at" scils "dot" rutgers "dot" edu, and
    roark "at" cslu "dot" ogi "dot" edu.


Accepted tutorial speakers will be notified by February 1, 2009, and
must then provide abstracts of their tutorials for inclusion in the
conference registration material by March 1, 2009. The description
should be in two formats: an ASCII version that can be included in email
announcements and published on the conference web site, and a PDF
version for inclusion in the electronic proceedings (detailed
instructions will be given). Tutorial speakers must provide tutorial
materials, at least containing copies of the course slides as well as a
bibliography for the material covered in the tutorial, by April 15, 2009.


  * Submission deadline for tutorial proposals: January 15, 2009
  * Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2009
  * Tutorial descriptions due: March 1, 2009
  * Tutorial course material due: April 15, 2009
  * Tutorial date: May 31, 2009


  * Ciprian Chelba, Google
  * Paul Kantor, Rutgers
  * Brian Roark, Oregon Health & Science University

Please send inquiries concerning NAACL-HLT-09 tutorials to
tutorials.hlt09 "at" gmail "dot" com


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