[Corpora-List] Call for Collaboration with Humanities and Social Sciences Projects [CLARIN]

Tamás Váradi varadi at nytud.hu
Fri Jan 16 08:25:29 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,

May I call your attention to the Call for Collaboration with Humanities and
Social Sciences Projects recently issued by the CLARIN research
infrastructure project, available at

The Call, as indeed the whole CLARIN project (www.clarin.eu) is aimed at
helping research in the humanities and social sciences by offering language
technology support (resources in the form of corpora, lexical databases etc.
as well as tools to process them).

We would like to reach out to colleagues in the humanities and social
sciences who may benefit from the use of language technologies in their

I would be grateful if you would kindly help the CLARIN community to
disseminate the Call by passing it on to university departments, research
centres or individual colleagues who may be interested.

I would even appreciate suggestions for lists, organisations etc. where the
call should be forwarded to.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Tamás Váradi
member of the CLARIN Executive Board

Tamás Váradi
Deputy Director
Research Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1068 Benczur u. 33. Budapest, Hungary
Tel.: (+36 1) 321 4830 / ext. 126
Fax: (+36 1) 322 9297
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