[Corpora-List] CFP: Multiword Expressions: Identification, Interpretation, Disambiguation and Applications (MWE 2009)

Dimitra Anastasiou dimitra at d-anastasiou.com
Wed Jan 28 14:44:47 UTC 2009

This e-mail is a Call for Papers concerning the following workshop:

Multiword Expressions: Identification, Interpretation, Disambiguation  
and Applications (MWE 2009)
Workshop at the ACL/IJCNLP 2009 Conference (Singapore), 06 August 2009

The workshop is endorsed by the ACL Special Interest Group on the  
Lexicon (SIGLEX)

The link to MWE 2009 is the following:  

A short description of the workshop, the topics as well as submission  
information, important dates and the members of the Programme  
Committee are presented below.


         Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs) are an indispensable part of  
natural languages and appear steadily on a daily basis, both new and  
already existing but paraphrased. Thus, the automated processing of  
MWEs is important for many natural language applications. The meaning  
of MWEs can be either motivated or arbitrary. Native speakers master  
most MWEs, while learners of a foreign language have to learn MWEs by  
heart. The interpretation of MWEs poses a major challenge for  
automated analysis helping both groups easily master MWEs.

         The growing interest in MWEs in the NLP community has led to  
many specialized workshops held every year since 2001 in conjunction  
with ACL, EACL and LREC; there have been also two recent special  
issues on MWEs published by leading journals: the International  
Journal of Language Resources and Evaluation, and the Journal of  
Computer Speech and Language.

         As a result of the overall progress in the field, the time  
has come to move from basic preliminary research to actual  
applications in real-world NLP tasks. Following this trend, the  
LREC-MWE'08 focused on gathering resources and creating a common  
repository in order to rank MWE candidates and facilitate further  

Call for papers

         In MWE'09 we are interested in the overall process of dealing  
with MWEs, asking for original research related (but not limited) to  
the following four fundamental topics.

         Workshop topics

               (1) Identification. Identification is a major problem  
for MWEs. The MWE identification task is to determine whether a MWE is  
used non-compositionally (figuratively) or compositionally (literally)  
in a particular context. The identification of MWEs by automated means  
is a difficult task, as it does not suffice to store the MWE into a  
dictionary database. Rule-based (morphosyntactic rules) and/or  
statistical approaches may be needed to identify MWEs in context.

               (2) Interpretation. Semantic interpretation of MWEs,  
particularly noun compounds and determinerless prepositional phrases,  
is the task of determining the implicit semantic relation holding  
between the MWE's sub-components. This specific area is inviting  
research on (linguistically) identifying the semantic relations (SRs)  
and automatic SR interpretation in MWEs. The relation inventories used  
can be of different granularity and dependent on the particular type  
of MWE construction. In some cases, MWE's semantics can be also  
specified in terms of a suitable paraphrase.

               (3) Disambiguation. Disambiguation (Semantic  
classification) is the task of specifying the semantics of MWEs based  
on an inventory of semantic relations. It tends to presuppose the  
ability to classify the (degree of) compositionality of MWEs and  
applies only to compositional MWEs. The aim is to specify the  
semantics of MWEs in terms of predefined semantic categories, e.g., in  

               (4) Applications. Identifying MWEs in context and  
understanding their syntax and semantics is important for many natural  
language applications, including but not limited to question  
answering, machine translation, information retrieval, information  
extraction, and textual entailment. Still, despite the growing  
research interest, there are not enough successful applications in  
real NLP problems, which we believe is the key for the advancement of  
the field.

         Submission information

               Submissions must describe substantial, original, and  
unpublished work. Submissions will be judged on correctness,  
originality, technical strength, significance and relevance to the  
conference, and interest to the attendees. Full papers may consist of  
up to eight (8) pages in total (references icluded) and will be  
presented orally. The deadline for paper submission is May 1, 2009  
(GMT + 8).
               The official style files for ACL/IJCNLP 2009 are  
available at: http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/main/authors/stylefiles/.  
The workshop submissions should use the same formatting guidelines.


               Full paper submissions should follow the two-column  
format of ACL-IJCNLP 2009 proceedings without exceeding eight (8)  
pages including references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX  
style files or Microsoft Word Style files tailored for this year's  
conference, which will be available on the conference website. All  
submissions must conform to the official ACL-IJCNLP 2009 style  
guidelines to be announced in the conference website and they must be  
electronic in PDF.
               As the reviewing will be blind, the paper must not  
include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore,  
self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We  
previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", must be avoided. Instead, use  
citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...". Papers  
that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without  

Important dates

         Paper submission deadline 	        May 1, 2009
         Notification of acceptance of papers 	June 1, 2009
         Camera-ready copies due 	                June 14, 2009
         ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Workshops 	        August 6-7, 2009

Programme committee

       * Inaki Alegria, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
       * Timothy Baldwin, Stanford University (USA); University of  
Melbourne (Australia)
       * Colin Bannard, Max Planck Institute (Germany)
       * Francis Bond, National Institute of Information and  
Communications Technology (Japan)
       * Gael Dias, Beira Interior University (Portugal)
       * Ulrich Heid, Stuttgart University (Germany)
       * Stefan Evert, University of Osnabrueck (Germany)
       * Afsaneh Fazly,University of Toronto (Canada)
       * Nicole Gregoire,University of Utrecht (The Netherlands)
       * Roxana Girju,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
       * Kyo Kageura, University of Tokyo (Japan)
       * Brigitte Krenn, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial  
Intelligence (Austria)
       * Eric Laporte, University of Marne-la-Vall?e (France)
       * Rosamund Moon, University of Birmingham (UK)
       * Diana McCarthy, University of Sussex (UK)
       * Jan Odijk, University of Utrecht (The Netherlands)
       * Stephan Oepen, Stanford University (USA); University of Oslo (Norway)
       * Darren Pearce, London Knowledge Lab (UK)
       * Pavel Pecina, Charles University (Czech Republic)
       * Scott Piao, University of Manchester (UK)
       * Violeta Seretan, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
       * Suzanne Stevenson, University of Toronto (Canada)
       * Stan Szpakowicz, University of Ottawa (Canada)
       * Beata Trawinski, University of Tuebingen (Germany)
       * Peter Turney, National Research Council of Canada (Canada)
       * Kiyoko Uchiyama, Keio University (Japan)
       * Begona Villada Moiron, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
       * Aline Villavicencio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

Workshop chairs

       * Dimitra Anastasiou, Localisation Research Centre, Limerick  
University, Ireland
       * Chikara Hashimoto, National Institute of Information and  
Communications Technology, Japan
       * Preslav Nakov, National University of Singapore, Singapore
       * Su Nam Kim, University of Melbourne, Australia


         For any inquiries regarding the workshop please contact  
Dimitra Anastasiou (dimitra at d-anastasiou.com).

On behalf of the organising committee,
Dimitra Anastasiou

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