[Corpora-List] Terminology and Artificial Intelligence 2009

Condamines anne.condamines at univ-tlse2.fr
Wed Mar 4 14:16:24 UTC 2009

Terminology and Artificial Intelligence
Toulouse, France
November, 18-20 2009


In all specialized fields, knowledge is stored and disseminated in the form 
of documents. In some cases, document management (ranking according to 
relevance to a query, for instance) and acquisition and extraction of 
knowledge for indexing, modelling and conceptualization rely on 
terminological and linguistic studies. Hence, terminology and linguistics 
supply key concepts to other disciplines such as natural language 
processing, information science and knowledge engineering. Conversely, 
these disciplines bring to light new problems and issues and present new 
challenges and perspectives for terminology and linguistics. For nearly 15 
years, TIA conferences have provided a forum for researchers working in 
these various fields to come together.
The 2009 TIA Conference will focus mainly – although not exclusively – on 
terms and terminological systems. Terms are used as focal points for 
knowledge structuring in many applications, including ontologies, thesauri, 
and other conventional terminological resources such as specialized 
dictionaries and terminological databases. A number of semantic relations 
between terms may be identified (and may vary depending on the 
application). However, although the aim of all of these applications is a 
certain degree of stability, the linguistic nature of terms and of the 
relations they share raises many questions. Which relations should be 
represented in specific applications? How should terms and the relations 
between them be represented? How can the relations in terminological 
resources and their linguistic representation in texts be linked?
Submitted papers may address theoretical or methodological issues. 
Interdisciplinary work that focuses on collaboration between disciplines 
when dealing with terminological issues is strongly encouraged.

Proposals addressing the theme “Terms and terminological systems” are 
strongly encouraged. However, other proposals dealing with innovative 
theoretical, methodological, or practical questions are also welcome. 
Possible topics include:
·       Semantic theories and terminology in relation to text linguistics 
and ontologies (especially theoretical linguistic approaches to describing 
terms and terminological structures)
·       Representation of terms and semantic or conceptual relations in 
specific types of data structures (ontologies, thesauri, etc.)
·       Representation of terms and semantic or conceptual relations in 
multilingual applications
·       Comparative studies of terminologies / terminological resources / 
ontological resources from different languages, communities or time frames
·       Theoretical and technical problems in automated or manual 
compilation of terminologies using mono- or multi-lingual corpora
·       Methods for automatic terminology structuring (identification of 
relations between terms, linking of terms to specific fields of knowledge)
·       Studies on the relationships between ontologies and terminologies 
and/or thesauri:
·       Use of terminologies to compile and structure ontologies
·       Use of ontological modelling for a better understanding of the 
semantics of thesauri and terminologies
·       Evaluation methods and criteria, and validation of terminologies
·       Problems in compiling multilingual terminologies
·       Reuse, standardization, comparison and merging of terminological or 
ontological resources.
·       Applications of terminological resources (the Semantic Web, 
information retrieval, technology watch, question answering, document 
management, ranking and/or classification, etc.)
The TIA group (http://tia.loria.fr/) founded this conference series in 
1995. The first conference took place in Paris (TIA’95, Villetaneuse), and 
subsequent events have been held in a variety of French cities (TIA’97 
(Toulouse), TIA’99 (Nantes), TIA’01 (Nancy), TIA’03 (Strasbourg), TIA’05 
(Rouen), and TIA ’07 (Nice)). Created under the auspices of AFIA 
(l’Association française pour l’intelligence artificielle; French 
Association for Artificial Intelligence) – which has since become the 
AFIA/GdR-I3 group – TIA brings together researchers in linguistics, natural 
language processing and knowledge engineering.
The TIA group is responsible for the organization and the management of the 
2009 TIA conference. Submissions will be reviewed by an international 
program committee composed of experts in the above fields (with each paper 
evaluated by three reviewers) and may be accepted as full papers or posters.

Programm Comitee

Marie-Claude L’Homme (OLST, Université de Montréal)
Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, Université Paris XIII)

Guadalupe Aguado (Universitad Politécnica de Madrid, Espagne)
Amparo Alcina (Universitat Jaume-I, Espagne)
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, France)
Caroline Barrière (NRC, Canada)
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, USA)
Maria Teresa Cabré (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Marc van Campenhoudt (Université de Bruxelles, Belgique)
Farid Cerbah (Dassault-aviation, France)
Jean Charlet (AP-HP & INSERM, France)
Anne Condamines (CLLE-ERSS, France)
James Cussens (University of York, UK)
Lyne Da Sylvia (EBSI, Montréal, Canada)
Valérie Delavigne (Institut national du cancer, France)
Patrick Drouin (OLST, Montréal, Canada)
Pamela Faber (Universidad de Granada, Espagne)
Ulrich Heid (Universität Stuttgart, Allemagne)
Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Université Lyon-3, France)
Kyo Kageura (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Université Paris 13)
Pascale Sébillot (IRISA, France)
Koichi Takeuchi (Okayama University, Japan)
Rita Temmerman (Erasmushogeschool, Belgique)
Yannick Toussaint (LORIA, France)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS & CRIM-INALCO, France)

Anne Condamines

Directrice de Recherches, CNRS
Directrice adjointe de CLLE (Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie), UMR 5263
Maison de la Recherche
Université de Toulouse Le Mirail
5 allées Antonio Machado
F- 31058 Toulouse cedex

tel : 330561503608
fax : 330561504677
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