[Corpora-List] PhD positions in Automatic Speech Recognition and/or Machine Translation

Diego Giuliani giuliani at fbk.eu
Mon Mar 16 11:18:07 UTC 2009

PhD fellowships  are available for conducting research  studies in the
field of  Automatic Speech  Recognition and/or Machine  Translation at
the Human Language Technology Research Unit
(http://hlt.fbk.eu/en/openpositions)   of  Fondazione   Bruno  Kessler
(FBK), Trento,  Italy.  Research  work will be  carried out at  FBK as
part  of the  PhD Program  of  the International  Doctorate School  in
Information  and Communication  Technologies (http://www.ict.unitn.it)
of the University of Trento, Italy.

Candidates should  have an excellent  university degree in  a relevant
field  of  study,  e.g.   computer  science,  electrical  engineering,
information  science, applied  mathematics, etc.   Selected candidates
are expected to have the willingness to combine formal scientific work
with application-oriented research.

The  selected  candidates  need  to  pass the  selection  of  the  ICT
Doctorate School  to be  enrolled as PhD  students.  PhD  courses will
start in Autumn 2009, and the PhD thesis must be completed in three or
four  years.  Students  enrolled in  the  PhD program  will receive  a
fellowship covering the whole period.   Thesis work will be pursued at
FBK under the joint supervision of FBK and the ICT Doctorate School.

Interested people are invited to submit a detailed CV by the end April
2009 to Diego Giuliani (http://hlt.fbk.eu/people/giuliani) at FBK.

Diego Giuliani

Diego Giuliani
FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler 
Via Sommarive 18
38100 Povo (Trento) 
Phone: (+39) 0461-314556           Fax: (+39) 0461-314591               
E-mail: giuliani at fbk.ue 
URL:  http://munst.itc.it/people/giuliani/HomePage.html

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