[Corpora-List] user feedback in SMT & parallel treebanks

Joerg Tiedemann j.tiedemann at rug.nl
Thu Mar 26 08:41:41 UTC 2009

Dear corpora readers,

I was wondering if there is any research on the integration of user 
feedback into SMT models. A student of mine is interested in trying to 
use user feedback for improving MT for under-resourced languages. 
information on user feedback in approaches other than SMT would also be 

another unrelated questions:

are there any freely available parallel aligned treebanks (i mean 
including tree alignments)? I'm looking for some data that could be used 
as a gold standard. I'm mainly interested in any combination of the 
following languages: english, french, dutch, german, swedish
other language pairs would be fine as well but I prefer western european 

thanks in advance,


**  Jörg Tiedemann                 j.tiedemann at rug.nl              **
**  Alfa-Informatica               http://www.let.rug.nl/~tiedeman **
**  Rijksuniversiteit Groningen    Harmoniegebouw, room 1311-429   **
**  Postbus 716                    phone: +31 (0)50-363 5935       **
**  9700 AS Groningen              fax:   +31 (0)50-363 6855       **

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