[Corpora-List] Position as a Professor

Natalie Kubler nkubler at eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Fri Apr 8 08:29:30 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Please find the following offer for a position as a Professor at the 
University of Nice in France
Best wishes
Natalie Kübler

Dear colleagues,

Nice University (Côte d'Azur, France) seeks applications for a job 
opening at the full professor level for a position in English 
linguistics and translation. Relevant details are below.

Tobias Scheer
director of the research unit that the position is affiliated to

Job opening at Nice University (Côte d'Azur, France)

Full professor in English linguistics and translation
[official title: Professeur des Universités, see the information on 
Wikipedia: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professeur_des_universit%C3%A9s]

1) teaching: Département d'anglais 
2) research: laboratoire CNRS Bases, Corpus, Langage 
Position to be filled on September 1st, 2011

Salary: progressive, starting at 2535 Euros per month (after social 
contributions, before taxes)
[numbers from 
and dating back to October 2009, see details regarding the progression 
on the site mentioned]

the job is published on the recruitment website of French higher 

[search for "Nice"]
deadline for application: May 4th, 2011
job interview for shortlisted applicants: end of June
job starts on September 1st, 2011

Nice University is looking for a full professor in English linguistics 
and translation. In France, work time is divided into 50% teaching (at 
the Department), and 50% research (at the laboratory). Teaching duty is 
192 hours a year (which comes down to around 6h a week during two 12 
week semestres) and includes classes both at the undergraduate and 
postgraduate levels, primarily in translation (French-English both 
ways). Research will be typically done in the team "linguistique de 
l'énonciation" of BCL (http://www.unice.fr/bcl/spip.php?rubrique23), but 
other options are possible. Both teaching and research are involved in 
the supervision of graduate work, namely of Ph.Ds.
Below is the official job description that will be available on Galaxie, 
in French. Good language skills in French are required since the 
successful candidate will have to teach translation from and into French.
There is a specific application procedure for candidates from outside of 
France (i.e. living in another country). Candidates in this situation, 
or other candidates in need of any further information, please contact
Beatrix Pernelle<pernelle at unice.fr> (teaching)
Tobias Scheer<scheer at unice.fr> (research)

Enseignement :
Enseignant de rang A pour assurer les cours de linguistique et de 
traductologie au niveau des masters et de l’agrégation

Recherche :
Le professeur recruté aura vocation à rejoindre l'équipe "Linguistique 
de l'énonciation" du laboratoire BCL. Le domaine de recherche sera donc 
principalement celui de la sémantique grammaticale et des opérations 
mentales sous-jacentes à la construction des énoncés. L'analyse 
contrastive anglais / français, particulièrement en adéquation avec 
l'aspect "traductologie" du profil enseignement, sera également la 
bienvenue en recherche. L'équipe pratique en effet régulièrement ce type 
d'analyse, avec l'italien, l'anglais, l'allemand, les langues anciennes, 
pour mettre au jour tout à la fois la stabilité des opérations 
primitives et la variabilité de leurs agencements particuliers dans les 
diverses langues. Pour une parfaite intégration aux axes définitoires du 
laboratoire et à l'une des spécificités de l'équipe, il serait 
souhaitable que le collègue recruté travaille sur corpus écrit.


Natalie Kübler, Professeur			
Centre de Ressources en Langues Case 7016
Université Paris-Diderot				
5, rue Thomas Mann
75205 Paris Cédex 13
tél. +33 1 57 27 64 79
fax. +33 1 57 27 64 81

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