[Corpora-List] 3rd CFP: EACL 2012 Joint Workshop on Information Retrieval and Hybrid Machine Translation

Reinhard Rapp reinhardrapp at gmx.de
Tue Jan 17 09:42:46 UTC 2012

Apologies for multiple postings
Please distribute to colleagues


    Joint Workshop on




    Co-located with EACL 2012 (http://eacl2012.org/)
    Avignon, France
    April 23 and 24, 2012

    Deadline for paper submissions: February 2, 2012



       ESIRMT: CHRISTOF MONZ (University of Amsterdam)
       HyTra:  PHILIPP KOEHN (University of Edinburgh)


This two-day workshop addresses two specific but related research problems
in computational linguistics.

The ESIRMT event (1st day) aims at reducing the gap, both theoretical and
practical, between information retrieval and machine translation research 
and applications. Although both fields have been already contributing to 
each other instrumentally, there is still too much work to be done in
relation to solidly framing these two fields into a common ground of
knowledge from both the procedural and paradigmatic perspectives.

The HyTra event (2nd day) aims at sharing ideas among researchers
developing and applying statistical, example-based, or rule-based 
machine translation systems and who wish to enhance their systems 
with elements from the other approaches.

The joint workshop will provide participants with the opportunity 
of discussing research related to technology integration and system 
combination strategies at both the general level of cross-language
information access and the specific level of machine translation

Contributions are to be organized into two tracks, corresponding to 
ESIRMT and HyTra, respectively. Topics of interest include, but are 
not limited to:

ESIRMT track:

* machine translation and information retrieval hybridization
* applications of MT and IR hybrid systems
* IR techniques integrated in MT systems
* MT techniques integrated in IR systems
* any kind of innovative approach exploiting synergies between MT and IR
* machine learning techniques for ranking

HyTra track:

* ways and techniques of MT hybridization
* architectures for the rapid development of hybrid MT systems
* hybrid systems dealing with underresourced languages and/or with
  morphologically rich languages
* using linguistic information (morphology, syntax, semantics) to enhance
  statistical MT
* bootstrapping rule-based systems from corpora
* hybrid methods in spoken language translation
* extraction of dictionaries from parallel and comparable corpora
* machine learning techniques for hybrid MT
* heuristics for limiting the search space in hybrid MT
* alternative methods for the fair evaluation of the output of different
  types of MT systems
* system combination approaches
* open source tools and free language resources for hybrid MT


Authors are invited to submit papers on original and previously unpublished
work. Formatting should be according to  EACL 2012 specifications using LaTeX 
or MS-Word style files, see http://eacl2012.org/information-for-authors/index.html 
(paper length: up to 9 pages plus an extra page for references). Reviewing of 
papers will be double-blind, so the submissions should not reveal the authors' 

Submission is electronic in PDF format using the START submission system at


Double submission policy: Parallel submission to other meetings or publications 
are possible but must be immediately notified to the workshop contact person 
(see below).

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their research at the
workshop.  The papers will be published in the electronic workshop proceedings. 
These will be part of the EACL proceedings, published by ACL. They will also 
be made available online via the ACL Anthology.


February 2, 2012:  Paper submissions due
February 24, 2012:  Notification of acceptance
March 9, 2012:  Camera ready papers due
April 23-24, 2012:  Workshop in Avignon


Contact person: Marta R. Costa-jussà (e-mail: marta.ruiz at barcelonamedia.org)

ESIRMT: Marta R. Costa-jussà (Barcelona Media Innovation Center), Patrik
Lambert (University of Le Mans), Rafael E. Banchs (Institute for Infocomm 

HyTra: Reinhard Rapp (Universities of Mainz and Leeds), Bogdan Babych
(University of Leeds), Kurt Eberle (Lingenio GmbH), Tony Hartley 
(Toyohashi University of Technology and University of Leeds), 
Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds), Martin Thomas (University of Leeds)


Jordi Atserias, Yahoo! Research , Barcelona, Spain
Bogdan Babych, University of Leeds, UK
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Núria Bel, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Pierrette Bouillon, ISSCO/TIM/ETI, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Chris Callison-Burch, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Michael Carl, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Oliver Culo, ICSI, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Kurt Eberle, Lingenio GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Andreas Eisele, Directorate-General for Translation, European 
   Commission, Luxembourg
Marcello Federico, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
José A. R. Fonollosa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Mikel Forcada, University of Alicante, Spain
Alexander Fraser, Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS),
   Stuttgart, Germany
Johanna Geiß, Lingenio GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Mireia Ginesti-Rosell, Lingenio GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany
Silvia Hansen-Schirra, FTSK, University of Mainz, Germany
Tony Hartley, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, and University 
   of Leeds, England
Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland
Min-Yen Kan, National University of Singapore
Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essez, UK
Yanjun Ma, Baidu Inc. Beijing, China
José B. Mariño, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Maite Melero, Barcelona Media Innovation Center, Barcelona, Spain
Haizhou Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Reinhard Rapp, University of Mainz, Germany, and University of Leeds, UK
Paul Schmidt, Institut for Applied Information Science, Saarbrücken, Germany
Uta Seewald-Heeg, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany
Nasredine Semmar, CEA LIST, France
Serge Sharoff, University of Leeds, UK
Wade Shen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Fabrizio Silvestri, Instituto de Scienza e Tecnologia del'Informazione,
   Pisa, Italy
Harold Somers, CNGL, Dublin City University, Ireland
Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Martin Thomas, University of Leeds, UK
Jörg Tiedemann, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Zygmunt Vetulani, University of Poznan, Poland

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