[Corpora-List] Software : "Glozz" annotation platform

Yann Mathet yann.mathet at unicaen.fr
Fri Oct 5 14:46:39 UTC 2012

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the manual annotation platform  
"Glozz" is available.

This platform has been tested and used in France for some years in  
several projects (in particular in reference and discourse fields),  
and is now ready to grow abroad...

Its design and development were initially supported by the french  
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) within the Annodis Project, and  
are continued today at the GREYC laboratory (UMR 6072, CNRS -  
University of Caen Basse-Normandie), with support of the french  
Contrat de Projet Etat-Région (CPER) and the Région Basse-Normandie.

Main features of Glozz are :

- manual annotation of texts (possibly having pre-annotations)

- annotation and visualization (WYSIWYG) of simple or complex  
structures : units, relations, and more complex structures

- generic meta-model which can be instancied to cope with any  
annotation paradigm (specific models can be declared using XML  

- multiple and simultaneous views dedicated to specific treatments,  
such as reference chains, discourse structures...

- import/export modules (text, CSV, XML, LinguaStream...)

- integrated query language "GlozzQL" to query data even while  
annotating, and SQL export

- auto computation of alignments when several annotators annotated the  
same text, and integrated inter-annotator agreement measure

- multi-patform, written in Java, tested on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

- PDF illustrated manual (60 pages)

- can be downloaded on the website http://www.glozz.org

Best regards,
Glozz Team

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