[Corpora-List] Final Call for Participation: DDIExtraction 2013 (*SemEval 2013 shared task 9)

Isabel Segura isegura at inf.uc3m.es
Tue Feb 5 12:33:44 UTC 2013

*Final call for participation DDIExtraction 2013*

*Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from biomedical texts (DDIExtraction2013)



Following the success of the DDIExtraction 2011 task (
http://labda.inf.uc3m.es/DDIExtraction2011/), we invite your participation
in the second DDIExtraction task, which will held at Semeval 2013,
co-located with SEM-2013 and NAACL-2013 conferences in Atlanta.

The DDIExtraction 2013 task concerns the recognition of drugs and
extractionof drug-drug interactions that appear in biomedical
literature. The
definition of drug-drug interaction (DDI) is broadly described as a change
in the effects of one drug by the presence of another drug (e.g. *Acetazolamide
reduces urinary excretion of quinidine and may enhance its effect*.). The
detection of DDIs is an important research area in patient safety since
these interactions can become very dangerous and increase health care costs.

 The goal of DDIExtraction 2013 is to provide a common framework for
evaluation of information extraction techniques applied to the recognition
of pharmacological substances and detection of drug-drug interactions from
biomedical texts.  The DDIExtraction 2011 task concentrated efforts on the
novel aspects of the DDI extraction task, the drug recognition was assumed
and the annotations for drugs were provided to the participants. This new
DDIExtraction 2013 task will pursue the extraction of drug interactions as
well as the recognition of drug names. Additionally, while the
DDIExtraction2011 shared task relied on the
DDI corpus composed by texts describing DDIs from the DrugBank database,
the DDIExtraction2013 also integrates MedLine abstracts in order to deal
with different type of texts and language styles.

DDIExtraction2013 Shared Task is designed to address the extraction of DDIs
as a whole, but divided into two subtasks to allow separate evaluation of
the performance for different aspects of the problem. This shared task
includes two challenges:

TASK 9.1: Recognition and classification of drug names.

TASK 9.2: Extraction of drug-drug interactions. The extraction of drug-drug
interactions is a specific relation extraction task in biomedical
literature. This task could be very appealing to groups studying PPI
(protein-protein interaction) extraction because they could adapt their
systems to extract drug-drug interactions.



Training dataset can be found from:

 *Important dates*

Nov 15: Training dataset available for participants
Feb 15: Registration Deadline [for Task Participants]
Mar 1: Start of evaluation period
Mar 15: End of evaluation period (23:59, UTC-11)
Apr 9: *Paper submission deadline*
May 4: Camera ready

June 14-15 (tentative): SemEval-2013 workshop


Isabel Segura-Bedmar, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

Paloma Martínez, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

María Herrero, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain



Research Network MAVIR http://www.mavir.net/(S2009/TIC-1542)

LABDA http://labda.inf.uc3m.es/



isegura at inf.uc3m.es
If interested in the task please join the mailing list for updates

Isabel Segura Bedmar
Despacho 2.2.A.10, Telf: 91 624 99 88
Departamento de Informática, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
Laboratory for Advanced Database (LABDA)
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