[Corpora-List] One post-doctoral position in computational linguistics (Paris area)

Thierry Poibeau thierry.poibeau at ens.fr
Wed Feb 20 08:32:53 UTC 2013

Post-doctoral position

Lattice, a CNRS research laboratory in linguistics in Paris area (UMR8094, CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure et Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr/), offers a post-doctoral position on one of the following research topics (the first topic have priority): 

- computational models of language evolution and language change (projects aiming at establishing a real link between linguistic data and computer models will be considered in priority )
- advanced numerical methods for corpus linguistics (e.g. unsupervised learning for linguistic studies)
- (graded) word sense induction from corpora (in English and/or French)

The successful candidate will be able to develop his own trend of research. For most of the above positions, the theoretical framework and the languages considered for exploration are left to the choice of the candidate (except when otherwise stated).

The salary is 2000 euros net per month. The position is available at the Lattice laboratory (Ecole Normale Supérieure in Montrouge, within Paris area) for 9 months, from autumn 2013 onwards.

To apply, please send first (as soon as possible and in any case before March 15, 2013) a CV to Thierry Poibeau and Benjamin Fagard <firstname.lastname at ens.fr> and a brief description of a research project so as to be able to evaluate the adequacy between the candidate’s project and the post. Relevant proposals will then be examined by an independent committee on the basis of a full standard application form to be sent by March 31, 2013. 

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