[Corpora-List] cfp Workshop Processing in Corpora (ICAME2013)

Javier Perez Guerra jperez at uvigo.es
Thu Jan 3 12:10:58 UTC 2013

Santiago de Compostela, 22 May 2013

Pre-conference workshop - Call for papers
Processing in corpora: 'support strategies' in language variation and change

Convenors: Britta Mondorf (Mainz) and Javier Pérez-Guerra (Vigo)

Recent research has shown that grammatical variation is far more  
pervasive than has been
assumed (cf. Fanego et al. 2002, Rohdenburg/Mondorf 2003, Pérez-Guerra  
et al. 2007, Dufter et
al. 2009, Rohdenburg/Schlüter 2009). In the course of these studies a  
range of diverse theoretical
principles and generalizations haven been applied and developed in an  
attempt to provide
explanatory potential for the observed choices.

The workshop is designed to broaden this perspective so as to  
encompass variation phenomena
from a number of levels of linguistics analysis (phonology,  
morphology, syntax, semantics,
pragmatics) that lend themselves to an explanation in terms of  
processing efficiency, showing
how language users can modulate the cognitive accessibility of  
variants from all these levels in
order to mitigate the processing load. The workshop thus invites  
synchronic and diachronic
corpus-based research on so-called "support strategies", i.e. the  
choice of linguistic variants that
are apt to compensate an increased processing effort. In this way, a  
range of apparently unrelated
heterogeneous variation phenomena that lend themselves to an  
explanation in terms of
processing efficiency, such as, for instance, sentence end-weight,  
resolution of congruence
conflicts, word boundary marking, synthetic-analytic contrasts,  
morphological transparency,
chunking, etc. can be linked to a common underlying strategy.

We assume a theoretical framework that combines findings and  
principles from the areas of
language variation and change with functional-typological approaches  
(e.g. Comrie 1981; Givón
1984, 1990; Croft 1990; Bolinger 1977) or processing-based  
psycholinguistic generalizations,
such as Hawkins' (2004) 'Minimize Domains', Rohdenburg's (1996)  
'Complexity Principle',
Bates/MacWhinney's (1987) 'Competition Model' or Wurzel's (1987)  
'Principle of Uniformity
and Transparency', in order to apply these and other principles to  
diachronic stages of English.

Call for papers
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2013. Abstracts of  
c. 300 words should be
submitted by e-mail to both convenors (mondorf at uni-mainz.de,  
jperez at uvigo.es). The
notification of acceptance will be on 28 February.

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