[Corpora-List] Reminder: Mar15 Deadline - WASSA 2013 @ NAACL-HLT 2013: 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis

Alexandra Balahur Dobrescu alexandra.balahur-dobrescu at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Tue Mar 12 09:55:46 UTC 2013

> /Apologies for cross-postings
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment 
> and Social Media Analysis (WASSA 2013)
> http://optima.jrc.it/wassa2013/index.htm
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> *** Endorsed by SIGANN -- the ACL Special Interest Group for Annotation
> *** Endorsed by SIGNLL - ACL's Special Interest Group on Natural 
> Language Learning
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> The aim of the 4th  Workshop on Computational Approaches to 
> Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA 2013) is to 
> continue the line of the previous three editions, bringing together 
> researchers in Computational Linguistics working on Subjectivity and 
> Sentiment Analysis and researchers working on interdisciplinary 
> aspects of affect computation from text. Additionally, this year, we 
> would like to extend the focus to Social Media phenomena and the 
> impact of affect-related phenomena in this context.
> We encourage the submission of long and short research and demo papers 
> including, but not restricted to the following topics related to 
> subjectivity, sentiment and social media analysis:
> .    Resources for subjectivity, sentiment and social media analysis; 
> (semi-)automatic corpora generation and annotation
> .    Opinion retrieval, extraction, categorization, aggregation and 
> summarization
> .    Trend detection in social media using subjectivity and sentiment 
> analysis techniques
> .    Data linking through social networks based on affect-related NLP 
> methods
> .    Impact of affective data from social media
> .    Mass opinion estimation based on NLP and statistical models
> .    Online reputation management
> .    Topic and sentiment studies and applications of topic-sentiment 
> analysis
> .    Domain, topic and genre dependency of sentiment analysis
> .    Ambiguity issues and word sense disambiguation of subjective language
> .    Pragmatic analysis of the opinion mining task
> .    Use of Semantic Web technologies for subjectivity and sentiment 
> analysis
> .    Improvement of NLP tasks using subjectivity and/or sentiment analysis
> .    Intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations subjectivity and sentiment 
> analysis
> .    Subjectivity, sentiment and emotion detection in social networks
> .    Classification of stance in dialogues
> .    Applications of sentiment and social media analysis systems
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> Long papers for WASSA 2013 must not exceed eight (8) pages without 
> references. Short papers must not exceed five (5) pages without 
> references. Papers for WASSA should be submitted using the NAACL-HLT 
> 2013 Style Files, available at:
> http://naacl2013.naacl.org/Documents/naaclhlt2013.tgz
> Reviewing for WASSA 2013 will be double blind: reviewers will not be 
> presented with the identity of paper authors. Authors should avoid 
> writing anything that makes their identity obvious in the text.
> Submissions should be original, and in particular should not 
> previously have been formally published.
> Accepted papers will be published in the NAACL-HLT WASSA proceedings. 
> The best papers will be chosen for a special issue of an ISI- indexed 
> journal. Previous special issues of WASSA were/are in the process of 
> being published in the Decision Support Systems and Computer Speech 
> and Language journals (Elsevier).
> To submit a paper, please access: 
> https://www.softconf.com/naacl2013/WASSA2013/
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> Paper due date: March 15, 2013
> Notification of acceptance: April 5, 2013
> Camera-ready deadline: April 18, 2013
> Workshop to take place at NAACL-HLT 2013: June 14, 2013
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> Alexandra Balahur
> European Commission Joint Research Centre
> Via E. Fermi 2749, T.P. 267, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
> alexandra.balahur at jrc.ec.europa.eu
> Erik van der Goot
>  European Commission Joint Research Centre
> Via E. Fermi 2749, T.P. 267, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
> Erik.van-der-Goot at jrc.ec.europa.eu
> Andrés Montoyo
>  University of Alicante, DLSI, Ap. De Correos 99, 03080 Alicante, Spain
> montoyo at dlsi.ua.es
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************
> .    Khurshid Ahmad -- Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
> .    Nicoletta Calzolari - CNR Pisa, Italy
> .    Erik Cambria -- University of Stirling, U.K.
> .    José Carlos Cortizo - European University Madrid, Spain
> .    Michael Gamon -- Microsoft
> .    Jesús M. Hermida - University of Alicante, Spain
> .    Veronique Hoste - University of Ghent, Belgium
> .    Mijail Kabadjov --Spain
> .    Zornitsa Kozareva - Information Sciences Institute California, U.S.A.
> .    Rada Mihalcea - University of North Texas, U.S.A.
> .    Saif Mohammad - National Research Council, Canada
> .    Karo Moilanen -- Google
> .    Rafael Muñoz - University of Alicante, Spain
> .    Günter Neumann - DFKI, Germany
> .    Alena Neviarouskaia -- University of Tokyo, Japan
> .    Constantin Orasan - University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
> .    Viktor Pekar - University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
> .    Paolo Rosso - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
> .    Josef Steinberger -- University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
> .    Ralf Steinberger - EC- Joint Research Centre, Italy
> .    Veselin Stoyanov -- John Hopkins University, U.S.A.
> .    Maite Taboada -  Simon Fraser University, Canada
> .    Mike Thelwall - University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
> .    José Antonio Troyano - University of Seville, Spain
> .    Dan Tufis - RACAI, Romania
> .    Alfonso Ureña -- University of Jaén, Spain
> .    Piek Vossen - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> .    Marilyn Walker - University of California Santa Cruz, U.S.A.
> .    Janyce Wiebe - University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
> .    Michael Wiegand -- Saarland University, Germany
> .    Theresa Wilson -- John Hopkins University, U.S.A.
> .    Taras Zagibalov -  Brantwatch, U.K.
> /
> -- 
> *Alexandra Balahur-Dobrescu, PhD*
> Post-doctoral Researcher
> European Commission Joint Research Centre
> Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
> GlobeSec, OPTIMA
> Via E. Fermi 2749
> T.P. 267
> I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
> Tel: 0039 0332 78 5808
> /Disclaimer: "The views expressed are purely those of the writer and 
> may not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official 
> position of the European Commission."/

*Alexandra Balahur-Dobrescu, PhD*
Post-doctoral Researcher
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
GlobeSec, OPTIMA
Via E. Fermi 2749
T.P. 267
I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Tel: 0039 0332 78 5808

/Disclaimer: "The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may 
not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of 
the European Commission."/

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