[Corpora-List] TWSI Sense Substituter Software release 1.0.2

Tristan Miller miller at ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Nov 28 16:53:29 UTC 2013

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.2 of the TWSI
Sense Substituter Software.

TWSI is software which produces lexical substitutions in context for
over 1000 frequent nouns. The software processes English text.  It is
free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The Java source code, executables, and data are available from the
project's home page:

The major changes since the previous release (1.0.1) are as follows:

* Packaging: The TWSI code is now available as an artifact from the
Maven Central repository.  Users are no longer required to add a
separate <repository> element to their POMs.

* Documentation: Minor changes to point to the project's new website.

Please direct any questions or suggestions to the author, Chris Biemann,
at biem at cs.tu-darmstadt.de.

Tristan Miller, Research Scientist
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP-TUDA)
Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Tel: +49 6151 16 6166 | Web: http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/

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