[Corpora-List] Three vacancies at the University of Amsterdam (Information retrieval)

Maarten de Rijke maarten.de.rijke at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 21:21:35 UTC 2014

The Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam has three vacancies in the area of information retrieval.

1. Assistant professor information retrieval (permanent position)

The selected colleague will join the team led by Maarten de Rijke and join the core faculty members in the Informatics Institute. The successful candidate is expected to strengthen and/or complement existing research strengths in information retrieval. The successful candidate is expected to start  in the 2014-2015 academic year. For details and applications, please visit http://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/working-at-the-uva/vacancies/item/14-154.html

2. Postdoc in online text and image search and analytics (32 months)

The successful candidate will conduct research in the area of online text and image search and analytics in the context of the VOX-Pol project, an EU Network of Excellence on researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of Violent Online Political Extremism and responses to it. The selected candidate will join the teams led by Maarten de Rijke and Arnold Smeulders. For details and applications, please visit http://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/working-at-the-uva/vacancies/item/14-147.html

3. Postdoc in text and image search for heritage data (18 months)

The successful candidate will conduct research in the area of cultural heritage text and image search and analytics in the context of a digital humanities project on archaeological data that is jointly funded by funding bodies from Europe and North-America within the 'Digging into Data' program.  The selected candidate will join the teams led by Maarten de Rijke and Arnold Smeulders. For details and applications, please visit http://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/working-at-the-uva/vacancies/item/14-146.html

Things we have to offer include top performing research groups, extensive industrial collaborations, competitive pay and excellent benefits, high-level of interaction with neighboring institutes and universities and other disciplines, location near the city center (10 minutes by bicycle) of one Europe's most beautiful and lively cities, international environment (10+ nationalities in the group), access to high-end computing facilities (clusters with 5,000+ cores), brand-new building (2010).

Since Amsterdam is a very international city where almost everybody speaks and understands English, candidates need not be afraid of the language barrier.

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