[Corpora-List] 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS for ISCALPEL

"Gertrud Faaß" faassg at uni-hildesheim.de
Wed Apr 30 07:35:32 UTC 2014

***sorry for multiple posting***


A workshop on Information Science, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Natural Language Processing together with Electronic Lexicography

date: 7th of October, 2014
place: Hildesheim, Germany 
Electronic dictionaries and intelligent computer assisted language learning (ICALL) tools are currently in the process of merging into full-scale lexicographic information tools offering more than just word-to-word translations or paraphrases for a given lemma.
In recent years, lexicographic information tools have been developed that contain all kinds of NLP applications, from morphological analysis and parsing to machine translation, and/or which include outpu of corpus search tools. Such systems can be extended to full-scale ICALL tools that not only display a correct output to users, but also enable users to enter their own formulation hypotheses and to get a proper response on their correctness.
We invite papers that report about the latest developments in efforts to bridge the gap between research and practice in this rather new multidisciplinary field, bringing together e-lexicography with at least one of the following themes: Computer Assisted Language Learning, Natural Language Processing, Information Science, including, but not limited to

- tools for correcting user input,
- decision support for lexical choice,
- training tools for lexico-grammatical phenomena,
- systems integrating lexical and grammatical information with training and testing,
- systems to lexically check users' text production.

The length of the paper should not exceed 8 pages, including references (both a LaTeX style and a MS word template are available on the conference website). Submissions will be handled via Easy Chair of the KONVENS conference (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=12thkonvens2014) which starts on the following day at the same location. Accepted papers are planned to be published as proceedings of this pre-conference workshop via the University of Hildesheim HILDOC publication server, with a creative commons licence, if authors agree. The language of the workshop is English.

Programme Committee:
Andrea Abel, Eurac Research, Bolzano
Sonja Bosch, University of South Africa, Pretoria
Gertrud Faaß, Hildesheim University
Ulrich Heid, Hildesheim University

Important dates:
May 9, 2014: paper submissions due
July 21, 2014: notification of acceptance
September 5, 2014: camera-ready copy due

Andrea Abel, Eurac Research, Bolzano
Sonja Bosch, University of South Africa, Pretoria
Gertrud Faaß, Hildesheim University
Rufus Gouws, Stellenbosch University
Sylviane Granger, Université catholique de Louvain
Ulrich Heid, Hildesheim University
Lothar Lemnitzer, BBAW Berlin
Detmar Meurers, Tübingen University
John Nerbonne, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Hilary Nesi, Coventry University
Jörg Roche, LMU München
Serge Verlinde, KU Leuven


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