[Corpora] [Corpora-List] deep learning internship

Asad Sayeed asayeed at mbl.ca
Wed Oct 22 15:43:40 UTC 2014

We have opened a four-month paid internship position with Saarland
University's new research center, SFB 1102 'Information Density and
Linguistic Encoding', available in early 2015 for an advanced current
PhD student in computational linguistics, computer science, or a related
discipline with experience in training word embeddings, deep learning,
and/or recurrent neural networks.  The candidate would be involved in a
project related to compositional distributional semantics, constructing
models based on existing implemented approaches to vector-space semantics.

For information on SFB 1102, please visit here:


Saarland University is a highly regarded German institution with
internationally recognized research and teaching in computer science,
artificial intelligence, and language technology.  It is located in
Saarbrücken, an affordable, pleasant city on the border with France
between Paris and Frankfurt, a couple of hours by train from each. 

To apply, please send a CV/resume by email to asayeed at coli.uni-saarland.de.
For full consideration, please send your application before November 15.

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