[Corpora] [Corpora-List] [cfp] Special Issue - Terminology 21(2) : Terminology across languages and domains

Natalia Grabar natalia.grabar at univ-lille3.fr
Tue Oct 28 11:22:42 UTC 2014

Call for papers : Special Issue - Terminology 21(2), 2015

Terminology across languages and domains


Computational Terminology covers an increasingly important dimension
of Natural Language Processing, affecting areas such as text mining,
information retrieval, information extraction, summarisation, textual
entailment, document management systems, question-answering systems,
ontology building, machine translation, etc. Terminological
information is paramount for knowledge mining from texts for
scientific discovery and competitive intelligence. As a result of many
years of research, Computational Terminology has gained in strength
and maturity. It proposes well-tried and novel methodologies, tools
and resources for several languages and domains.

The aim of this special issue is to present and describe relevant
research dedicated to any of the above mentioned areas. More
particularly, the topics to be addressed in this issue are expected to
be concerned with, though not necessarily exclusively to, such areas

- Robustness and portability of methods: e.g. the application of
   methods developed in one given context to other contexts (corpora,
   domains, languages, etc.) and to share the research expertise among

- Monolingual and multilingual resources: e.g. opening possibilities
   for developing cross-lingual and multi-lingual applications,
   requiring specific corpora; the design, development and evaluation
   of robust methods and tools are challenging issues;

- Social networks and modern media processing: this aspect remains
   very attractive for researchers. The available data provided contain
   very rich information, although its processing is challenging for
   Natural Language Processing and methodology of Computational

- Re-utilization and adaptation of terminologies in various NLP
   applications: because terminologies are a necessary component of any
   NLP system dealing with domain-specific literature their use in the
   corresponding NLP applications is essential. Re-utilization and
   adaptation of terminologies is a challenging research direction,
   especially when the terminologies developed for one domain or
   application are to be used for different domains or applications;

- Catering for new user needs: e.g. designing, creating new and/or
   adapting existing methods and research experience to user needs not
   hitherto covered by existing research;

- Transfer of methodologies from one language to another, especially
   when the transfer is concerned with less-resourced languages;

- Consideration of user expertise: this topic is becoming a new issue
   in terminological activities; it takes into account the fact that
   specialized domains contain notions and terms often incomprehensible
   to non-experts or to laymen (such as patients within the field of
   medicine, or bank clients within the field of banking and
   economics). This topic, although related to specialized areas,
   provides direct links between specialized languages and general
   language.  It concerns the challenge to use methods and resources,
   though often designed for the expert must also satisfy non-expert

- Systematic terminology management and updating domain specific
   dictionaries and thesauri, which are important aspects for
   maintaining existing terminological resources. These aspects become
   crucial because the volume of the existing terminological resources
   is constantly increasing and because their constant and efficient
   use depends on their maintenance and updating, while their
   re-acquisition is costly and often non-reproducible.

The editors are willing to accept submissions covering different
approaches, theoretical frameworks and applications, such as mentioned
in this call.

Papers should be anonymous, written with Word and comprise between
20-30 pages (max. 9,000 words). More information on formatting
requirements can be found on
http://natalia.grabar.perso.sfr.fr/TERMINO2015. English is preferred
(80% of the contents), but submissions in French, Spanish or German
will be considered.

Each issue of Terminology contains up to six or seven articles.


- First call for submissions: October 25th, 2014
- Submission deadline: January 25th, 2015
- First acceptance notification: March 25th, 2015
- Modified versions: April 25th, 2015
- Final acceptance notification: May 25th, 2015
- Final versions ready: June 25th, 2015

Contact: natalia.grabar at univ-lille3.fr


Olivier Bodenreider, NLM, USA
Éric Gaussier, LIG, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Gregory Grefenstette, INRIA, France
Olivia Kwong, Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University 
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Rogelio Nazar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Goran Nenadic, University of Manchester, UK
Jorge Vivaldi Palatresi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), University 
Institute for Applied Linguistics (IULA), Spain
Selja Seppälä, University at Buffalo, USA
Takehiro Utsuro, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Karine Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI, France


Patrick Drouin is full professor at the Linguistics and Translation
Department of the University of Montréal, Canada, where he teaches
localisation and terminology. He received his PhD in linguistics in
2002 for a thesis on terminology extraction. Since then, his main
field of research has been computational terminology based on
techniques borrowing from the fields of computational linguistics,
statistics and corpus linguistics. He is the co-director of the
Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte (OLST), a research group
mainly dedicated to lexicology, terminology and lexical semantics.

Natalia Grabar obtained her PhD degree in Medical Informatics from the
University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Her research areas
cover Natural Language Processing, particularly in specialized areas
such as Biology and Medicine. She has carried out research on
terminology acquisition, structuring and exploitation, particularly in
the contexts of information retrieval and information extraction. She
also works on the quality and certainty of scientific and clinical
information. Currently, she has a CNRS research position and is
affiliated to the CNRS lab STL at Université Lille 1&3, France.

Thierry Hamon is Maître de Conférences (associate professor) in
Computer Science at the University Paris-Nord, France. He is a member
of the LIMSI research lab. He received his PhD degree in Computer
Science in 2000 for a dissertation on semanctic variation in
specialized corpora. His current research focuses on the development
of approaches for terminology acquisition from textual corpora and for
terminology matching. He is also interested in the exploitation and
the integration of these terminological resources in various
applications, such as text mining and information retrieval. In these
contexts, the developed systems perform information extraction tasks
from specialized texts (EHR, scientific articles, forum messages, ...)

Kyo Kageura is Professor in Library and Information Science at the
L&IS Laboratory of the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research is
concerned with the quantitative and conceptual modelling of
terminology, the automatic extraction of multilingual terms, and the
development of translation aid systems using NLP technologies. Kyo is
also co-editor of the journal Terminology.

Natalia GRABAR
CR1 CNRS, UMR 8163, Université Lille 3, France

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