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I am searching for inter or intra-lingual parallel corpora . I am not interested
in copora where we can find exact and regular translation (word by word)
like the case of multilingual manuals, but seraching for documents representing
very irregular and elaborated translation, or even documents written in
different versions but keeping always the same content.
____/ __ / ____/ / Hatem Ghorbel, Research Assistant
/ / / / / MEDIA Research Group - DI-LITH
____/ ____/ ____/ / Theoretical Computer Science Lab.
/ / / / <A HREF="mailto:hatem.ghorbel@epfl.ch">mailto:hatem.ghorbel@epfl.ch</A>
____/ _/ _/ ____/ <A HREF="http://lithwww.epfl.ch/~ghorbel">http://lithwww.epfl.ch/~ghorbel</A>
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