<i>Dear Colleague<br>
May I draw your attention to the below 'Call for Papers'.<br>
Please feel free to distribute it in electronic or printed form to
Thank you in advance for your interest and co-operation.<br>
Best regards (and Merry Christmas to all)<br>
</i>Elia Yuste<br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>***
First Call for Papers ***<br><br>
===== Apologies if you should receive this more than once ===== <br>
RESEARCH --- An International Workshop preceding LREC 2002,<br>
3rd International Conference on Language Resources and
Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain -
28th May 2002<br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><a href="http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste/LREC/LR4Trans.html" eudora="autourl">http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste/LREC/LR4Trans.html</a><br>
<i>Workshop Chair: <br>
</i>- Elia YUSTE, Computational Linguistics Group, Institute for <br>
Information Technology, University of Zurich, Switzerland.<br>
<i>Workshop Organizing Committee / Keynote Speakers: <br>
</i>- Frank AUSTERMUEHL, University of Gemersheim, Germany. <br>
- Gerhard BUDIN, Department of Translation and Interpreting <br>
Studies, University of Vienna, Austria. <br>
- Maeve OLOHAN, Centre for Translation and Intercultural <br>
Studies, UMIST, UK <br>
- Elia YUSTE, Computational Linguistics Division, IFI, University <br>
of Zurich, Switzerland. <br>
- Federico ZANETTIN, Università per Stranieri di Perugia,
<<< Workshop Rationale and Topics >>><br><br>
In recent years, the translation profession has not only experienced
considerable growth and global expansion but also been revolutionized
by the ever-changing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Almost every commercial or technical translation process today is <br>
optimized by computer-assisted translation (CAT) and/or terminology
management programs. Consequently, professional translators feel <br>
compelled to buy and master a particular CAT package, which may <br>
have gained reputation as the one and only state-of-the-art translator's
But is this the only thing translators and language professionals need
to know about? Of course, not. Their acquaintance with translation <br>
technology and electronic resources ought not to be limited to buying
the latest version of a well-known CAT tool. Most importantly, their
performance and productivity would change for the better if they knew
how to adapt, create, exploit, evaluate and reuse language resources
This workshop aims precisely at shedding light on the design/creation,
processing/exploitation, use and leverage of various forms of language
resources in translation work and research. 'Research' that should not
only be carried out by academics, but also by freelance translators and
translation departments in the corporate and government sectors alike.
Ideally, electronic language resources should be updated, when necessary,
and more interestingly, shared by interested parties.<br><br>
We, therefore, welcome contributions from academia, industry and <br>
heterogeneous translation arena representatives to exchange views and
results in relation to one or more of the following topics:<br><br>
+++ Reference corpora and other types of corpora (bilingual, <br>
multilingual, comparable...) <br>
+++ Do-It-Yourself corpora <br>
+++ Alignment techniques <br>
+++ Translation memories <br>
+++ Machine translation <br>
+++ Exploiting the WWW <br>
+++ Terminology extraction and management <br>
+++ Content management <br>
+++ Creation, use and leverage of language resources (for translation and
language work) <br>
+++ Evaluation of language resources (for translation and language work)
+++ Role of language resources in the translation process (case studies
and combinatory approaches, i.e. use of more than one resource) <br>
+++ etc.<br><br>
<<< Submission guidelines>>><br><br>
We invite submission of papers addressing any of above-mentioned <br>
questions. We also encourage submissions that describe a resource's<br>
or system's development, exploitation and/or evaluation. Should the
latter be the case, it would be essential to present its features,
leverage <br>
and usefulness in a clear and step-by-step fashion.<br><br>
Please note that the language of the workshop will be English.
we welcome contributions that have to do with multilingual
or resources operating in languages other than English. Examples in
other languages would then be allowed, as long as they are of
to the community/audience and clearly presented (e.g. followed by a<br>
Selected papers will be published at the Workshop Proceedings that <br>
should be ready for collection on the same day. The time allotted for
oral <br>
presentation shall be 20/25 minutes followed by a 5/10 minute discussion.
Papers should be no longer than 3,000 words, including abstract, <br>
(optional) keywords, and references. Endnotes are preferred to footnotes.
If meaningful pictures or diagrams are to be inserted, these should
kept to a minimum, numbered, and followed by a one-line
It is essential that submissions are sent *electronically* in a
archive file (e.g. '.zip) containing the following:<br>
1. The paper itself, saved in .rtf format;<br>
2. An extended abstract, saved in .txt format;<br>
3. An affiliation note with the name(s) of all authors and their <br>
professional contact details, including telephone and fax number(s),
e-mail address(es), and website(s), if any, saved in .txt
Authors are thus requested to submit *two abstracts*: an extended<br>
one (delivered separately in .txt format), no longer than 450 words,
and a shorter one (200-250 words) to appear as part of the
We also inform authors that, upon notification of acceptance, they
be provided with the LREC stylesheet. They will then have to adhere
this, making any necessary reformatting for the camera-ready version.
N.B. Electronic submissions are preferred. They should be addressed
to Elia Yuste: <font color="#0000FF"><u>yuste@ifi.unizh.ch</u></font>.
Only if e-mail submission was not <br>
possible, then five copies of the paper should be mailed to:<br>
Elia Yuste <br>
Computerlinguistik (CL)<br>
Institut fuer Informatik (IFI) der Universitaet Zuerich <br>
Winterthurerstrasse 190<br>
CH - ZURICH 8057<br>
*** Mailed submissions must arrive on or before the deadline for <br>
<<< Important dates >>><br>
Deadline for workshop submission: <br>
<font face="Lucida Sans" color="#FF0000"><b>4th February, 2002<br><br>
</b></font>Notification of acceptance: <br>
<font face="Lucida Sans" color="#FF0000"><b>Mid
March</font><font face="Lucida Sans">
</font><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#FF0000">2002</font><font face="Lucida Sans">
(date to be confirmed)<br><br>
</b></font>Final version of paper for workshop proceedings: <br>
<font color="#FF0000"><b>Early April 2002</b></font>
<font face="Lucida Sans"><b>(date to be confirmed)<br><br>
</b></font>Workshop: <br>
<font color="#FF0000"><b>28th May, 2002<br><br>
</b></font><<< Workshop registration >>><br><br>
The registration fee for the workshop is:<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>- If you are not attending LREC: 140 EURO <br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>- If you are attending LREC: 90 EURO<br><br>
These fees cover the following: a copy of the proceedings of the attended <br>
workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments.<br><br>
Participation in the workshop is limited by the venue. Requests for participation <br>
will be processed on first come first served basis. Registration will be handled <br>
by the LREC Secretariat.<br><br>
<<< Further details >>><br><br>
For up-to-date information on LREC 2002, see the conference site at <br>
<<a href="http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2002/index.html" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF">www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2002/index.html</a>></font>. <br>
For any further questions relating the Workshop itself, visit the workshop<br>
website at <<a href="http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste/LREC/LR4Trans.html" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF">www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste/LREC/LR4Trans.html</a></font>> or e-mail Ms <br>
Elia Yuste, Workshop Chair: <font color="#0000FF"><u>yuste@ifi.unizh.ch</u></font>. <br><br>
We thank you in advance for your interest and participation.<br><br>
<u>N.B.</u> <i>Every e-mail address appearing in this Call for Papers has been<br>
found on directories, websites and other public sources. <br>
In the event that you do not wish to receive similar information again,<br>
please do contact me (<font color="#0000FF"><u>yuste@ifi.unizh.ch</u></font>) and I will *not* include you <br>
in future postings.<br>
Thank you for your attention. <br><br>
<tt>______________________________ <br>
<font face="Verdana" size=4> </font>Ms Elia YUSTE RODRIGO<br>
Computerlinguistik (CL)<br>
Institut für Informatik (IFI)<br>
Universität Zürich<br>
Wintherthurerstr. 190<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=4>CH - 8057 </font><font face="Felix Titling" size=4>Z</font></tt>ÜRICH<br>
<tt><font face="Curlz MT" size=5> Suiza - Suissa - Switzerland <br>
Schweiz - Svizzera<br>
T: <x-tab> </x-tab>+41-(0)1-635-6724 <br>
F: <x-tab> </x-tab>+41-(0)1-635-6809<br>
M:<x-tab> </x-tab>+41-(0)76-3731629 <br>
E: <x-tab> </x-tab><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#0000FF">yuste@ifi.unizh.ch<br>
</font>W:<x-tab> </x-tab><a href="http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste" eudora="autourl"><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#0000FF">www.ifi.unizh.ch/cl/yuste</a><br>