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COLING 2002 Post-Conference Workshop <br><br>
Center of Academia Activities, Academia Sinica<br>
Taipei, Taiwan <br><br>
August 31, 2002<br><br>
Language resources play an important role in recent corpus-based natural
language processing research. A lot of effort has been focused on
compiling various kinds of language resources, particularly in the US and
European countries. In addition, standards represent a necessary step to
consolidate technological achievements in this sector, to enhance and
foster the exchange of know-how between research and industry, and to
define infrastructures for the re-use and sharing of existing language
resources through the specification of common formats and frameworks.
Since 1993 the Commission of the European Union has been actively
supporting the standardization process in human language technology, in
particular by sponsoring the EAGLES initiative. This activity has
extended to the framework of the EU-US International Research
Co-operation, supported by NSF and the European Union (
<a href="http://lingue.ilc.pi.cnr.it/EAGLES96/isle/ISLE_Home_Page.htm" eudora="autourl">http://lingue.ilc.pi.cnr.it/EAGLES96/isle/ISLE_Home_Page.htm</a>).<br><br>
Compared to English and many European languages the availability and
accessibility of Asian language resources is still limited. Moreover,
there is more diversity of Asian languages from viewpoints of character
sets and grammatical properties. Because of these peculiarities, Asian
languages do not always fit with the existing linguistic resource
standardization frameworks.<br><br>
We have held two workshops on the same topic, the first was in January of
2001 at Tokyo on invited basis and the second was in conjunction with the
6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS 2001) in
November of 2001 at Tokyo (
<a href="http://tokunaga-www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~take/LRA/index.html" eudora="autourl">http://tokunaga-www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~take/LRA/index.html</a>).
In this third workshop, we would like to put emphasis on standardization
of Asian language resources, and to provide a chance to discuss research
results and the possibilities of international collaboration on the
development of Asian language resources in the future. The workshop also
aims to introduce the status of Asian language resources to researchers
in other regions. <br><br>
We invite papers on all topics related to language resources, in
particular Asian language resources and their development including, but
not limited to: <br><br>
* Text corpora <br>
* Machine-readable dictionaries <br>
* Lexicons <br>
* Grammars <br>
* Exchange and annotation schemata <br>
* Infrastructure for constructing and sharing language resources <br>
* Exchange formats <br>
* Best practices for creating and disseminating language resources <br>
* Metadata for resource classification and discovery <br>
* Strategies and priorities for EU-US and Asian cooperation <br>
* Standards for language resources (lexicons, corpora, ontologies, etc.)
* Lexical standards and multilinguality <br>
* Standards for content management <br>
* Standards and applications <br>
* Standards and evaluation <br><br>
* Nicoletta Calzolari (co-chair) - Istituto di Linguistica
Computazionale CNR, Pisa (Italy) <br>
* Key-Sun Choi (co-chair) - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (Korea) <br>
* Asanee Kawtrakul (co-chair) - Kasetsart University (Thailand) <br>
* Alessandro Lenci (co-chair) - Dipartimento di Linguistica - Universita
di Pisa (Italy) <br>
* Tokunaga Takenobu (co-chair) - Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
* Steven Bird - University of Pennsylvania (US) <br>
* Nuria Bel - GILCUB (Spain) <br>
* Ehara Terumasa - NHK (Japan) <br>
* Christiane Fellbaum - Princeton University (USA) <br>
* Ralph Grishman - New York University (USA) <br>
* Chu-Ren Huang - Academia Sinica (Taiwan) <br>
* Hammam Riza - BPPT (Indonesia) <br>
* Kurohashi Sadao - University of Tokyo (Japan) <br>
* Martha Palmer - University of Pennsylvania (USA) <br>
* Hae-Chang Rim - Korea University (Korea) <br>
* Rajeev Sangal - Indian Institute of Information Technology (India)
* Shirai Kiyoaki - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Tecchnology
(Japan) <br>
* Virach Sornlertlamvanich - NECTEC (Thailand) <br>
* Gregor Thurmair - SAIL Labs (Munich) <br>
* Benjamin Tsou - City University of HongKong (China) <br>
* Antonnio Zampolli - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale ? CNR
(Italy) <br><br>
Paper submission due<br>
April 30, 2002<br><br>
Notification of acceptance<br>
June 7, 2002<br><br>
Deadline for camera-ready papers<br>
June 29, 2002<br><br>
Workshop date <br>
August 31, 2002<br><br>
Center of Academia Activities, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
<a href="http://tokunaga-www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~take/alris/index.html" eudora="autourl">http://tokunaga-www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~take/alris/index.html</a><br><br>
A paper no more than 8 pages long should be sent via E-mail in the PDF
format with all non-ASCII fonts embedded, no later than April 30, 2002 to
Alessandro Lenci (alessandro.lenci@ilc.cnr.it). After acceptance
notification, the authors are requested to make a camera-ready no more
than 8 pages long, and in the format prescribed by COLING 2002. Please
<a href="http://www.coling2002.sinica.edu.tw/" eudora="autourl">http://www.coling2002.sinica.edu.tw/</a>
to get style sheet. The camera-ready should be sent electronically in the PDF format with all non-ASCII fonts embedded, no later than June 29, 2002 to Tokunaga Takenobu ( take@cl.cs.titech.ac.jp). <br><br>