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Colloque International sur la Fouille de Texte <br>
La Rochelle 22-24 juin 2004 (France)<br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="http://cift04.univ-poitiers.fr/" eudora="autourl">http://cift04.univ-poitiers.fr/<br>
</a></u></font>After CIFT'02, organised in Hammamet in October <br>
2002, CIFT'04, International Conference on Text <br>
Mining, will be held in La Rochelle (France), from <br>
22nd to 24th June 2004. <br>
This meeting will take place during the "digital document <br>
week" (SDN'04, Semaine du Document Numérique; 21-25 <br>
June), which brings together around 20 <br>
workshops and scientific conferences (e.g. ATALA <br>
and ISKO-France). This scientific week is <br>
organised by RTP-Doc
(<a href="http://rtp-doc.enssib.fr/" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>http://rtp-doc.enssib.</a><a href="http://rtp-doc.enssib.fr/" eudora="autourl">fr</a></u></font>)<br>
This year's themes for the conference are therefore <br>
linked to production and <br>
diffusion of electronic documents. Most conferences <br>
will focus on information exploitation and intelligent <br>
access to contents, be they text, image, sound or <br>
video. SDN aims at bringing together various <br>
communities who all have a different approach to <br>
documents and textual contents, in order to allow <br>
participants to benefit from this diversity. The CIFT <br>
conference which was in 2002 already associated to <br>
CIDE (Conférence Internationale sur le Document <br>
Electronique) and CIFED (Colloque International <br>
Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document) is therefore a <br>
natural key leader in this project.<br>
CIFT stems from the common preoccupation of an <br>
emerging community of researchers seeking the <br>
concerted use of techniques of Information Science, <br>
Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Linguistics, <br>
Terminology, Natural Language Processing, Machine <br>
Learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Ontology Learning, <br>
Text Mining and Semantic Web. They have already <br>
organised several conferences and workshops such as <br>
AFIA, LREC, EGC and CoNLL.<br>
Within the SDN, CIFT wants to be a forum for <br>
discussions around the implementation of such methods on bases of textual
or more generally audio-visual documents. <br>
Consequently, evaluators will especially appreciate <br>
papers on detailed and large-scale experimentation <br>
involving Text <br>
Mining solutions or the integration of text mining <br>
software in global document <br>
engineering systems, or papers on the presentation of <br>
software solutions <br>
(including help tools regarding learning validation, <br>
results browsing, etc).<br>
Submitted papers may deal with theoretical, <br>
methodological or practical aspects of Text Mining. The <br>
following list of topics is intended as suggestive <br>
rather than comprehensive:<br>
* Text Mining Models and methods derived from:<br>
- Data Mining <br>
- Natural Language Processing <br>
- Knowledge Acquisition <br>
- Artificial Intelligence <br>
- Multilingual approach <br>
- digital/symbolic Machine Learning <br>
- Automatic Clustering <br>
- Patterns Recognition <br>
- XML World <br>
- Ontologies <br>
- etc.<br>
* Fields of (mono/multilingual) application :<br>
- Information retrieval <br>
- Information Extraction <br>
- Question/Answering systems <br>
- Categorisation, push, pull <br>
- Machine abstracts <br>
- Semantic Web <br>
- knowledge re-engineering <br>
- Information Synthesis <br>
- Writing Help <br>
- Decision Help <br>
- etc<br>
* Dates to be remembered:<br>
Deadline for submission: 22 st February 2004 <br>
Authors Notification: 15th March 2004 <br>
Due date for Camera Ready Copies: 15th april 2004 <br>
Conference: 22-24 Juin 2004 <br>
submit and address questions about the conference program to: <br>
Conference Committee Chair : <br>
Marie-Hélène Antoni & François Yvon<br>
marie-helene.antoni@univ-poitiers.fr <br>
Program Committee : <br>
Marie-Hélène Antoni (Université de Poitiers)<br>
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse)<br>
Gilles Bisson (IMAG, Grenoble)<br>
Bruno Bachimont (INA et Univ. Technologique de Compiègne)<br>
Nuria Castells (TALP, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)<br>
Jean Charlet (STIM/AP-HP, ERM202-INSERM, Paris)<br>
Fabrice Clérot (FT R&D, Lannion)<br>
Pascal Coupet (Témis France, Paris)<br>
Eric Gaussier (Xerox , Grenoble)<br>
James Cussens (Université d'York)<br>
Marc El-Beze (Univ. Avignon)<br>
Patrick Gallinari (LIP6, Paris)<br>
Gregory Grefenstette (Clairvoyance Corp.)<br>
Yves Kodratoff (LRI, Université Paris XI, Orsay)<br>
Stan Matwin (SITE, Univ. d'Ottawa)<br>
Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Univ. Paris XIII, Villetaneuse)<br>
Claire Nédellec (MIG/INRA, Jouy-en-Josas)<br>
Laurent Miclet (IRISA-ENSSAT, Lannion)<br>
Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay)<br>
Marie-Laure Reinberger (CNTS, Antwerp)<br>
Martin Rajman (EPFL, Lausanne)<br>
Pascale Sébillot (IRISA, Rennes)<br>
Yannick Toussaint (LORIA, Nancy)<br>
Yorik Wilks (University of Sheffield)<br>
Francois Yvon (ENST,Paris)<br>
Pierre Zweigenbaum (STIM/AP-HP, ERM202-INSERM et CRIM-INaLCOAP-HP,