Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this
ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update<br>
We are happy to announce that new Spoken Language Resources are now
available in our catalogue.<br>
To view all the Language Resources available, you can visit our on-line
catalogue :
<a href="http://www.elra.info/" eudora="autourl">http://www.elra.info</a>
or <br>
<a href="http://www.elda.org/" eudora="autourl">http://www.elda.org</a>
<b>*** ELRA-S0177 Korean Speecon database***<br>
</b>The Korean Speecon database comprises the recordings of 568 adult
Korean speakers and 58 child Korean speakers who <br>
uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
<b>*** ELRA-S0178 Turkish Speecon database***
</b><x-tab> </x-tab><br>
The Turkish Speecon database comprises the recordings of 550 adult
Turkish speakers and 50 child Turkish speakers who <br>
uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
<b>*** ELRA-S0179 Polish Speecon database***
</b><x-tab> </x-tab><br>
The Polish Speecon database comprises the recordings of 550 adult Polish
speakers and 50 child Polish speakers who <br>
uttered respectively over 290 items and 210 items (read and spontaneous).
More details can be found on Web page
<a href="http://www.elda.org/article18.html" eudora="autourl">
http://www.elda.org/article18.html</a>. Any additional request should be
directed to <br>
Valerie Mapelli (mapelli@elda.org).<br><br>