Dear List members,<br /><br />I was wondering if there is an xml editor
out somewhere in the web (or in someone's drawer/folder) for spoken
corpora, or an editor where I can add the tags I need.<br /><br />Thanks
for your help,<br /><br />Eleonora<br /><br /><br />-- <br />M.Eleonora
Sciubba<br />Ph.D student, Dept. of Linguistics<br />University of Roma
Tre<br /><br />Private faces in public places<br />Are wiser and nicer<br
/>Than public faces in private places.<br />(W.H.Auden, "Which side
am I supposed to be <br />on?")<br /><br /><br />Gran duol mi prese
al cor quando lo 'ntesi,<br />però che gente di molto valore<br
/>conobbi che 'n quel limbo eran sospesi.<br />(Dante Alighieri,
"Divina Commedia", Inferno Canto IV)