IJCNLP 2008 WORKSHOP<br> ON<br> NLP FOR LESS PRIVILEGED LANGUAGES<br><br> (<a href="http://ltrc.iiit.ac.in/nlp-lpl-08">http://ltrc.iiit.ac.in/nlp-lpl-08
</a>)<br><br><br> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION<br><br> Friday, 11 January 2008<br> Hyderabad, India<br><br><br>The workshop seeks to explore the innovative ways to overcome
<br>the problem of the lack of linguistic study, language resources,<br>computerization and NLP/CL tools for certain languages, which<br>actually means the majority of languages in the world. We could<br>call them L-languages, as they {L}ack something from the point
<br>of view of NLP and CL. The primary motivation for the workshop<br>is the realization that the techniques which work for more<br>'privileged' languages (M-languages) may not always work for<br>the L-languages. We may have to find different ways of solving
<br>many of the problems for these languages.<br><br>The workshop will be platform for researchers who are going<br>to present their work on the L-languages. Papers on a wide<br>range of topics, from various locations around the world and
<br>on a wide range of languages are going to be presented.<br><br>There will also be three Invited Talks at this workshop on<br>important themes. The workshop program is given below.<br><br>The workshop is being held in conjunction with the Third
<br>International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing<br>(January 7-12, 2008), which is one of the major conferences<br>in NLP/CL.<br><br>FOR WORKSHOP SPECIFIC ENQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT:<br><br>Anil Kumar Singh
<br>Language Technologies Research Centre<br>IIIT, Hyderabad, India<br>Email: <a href="mailto:anil@research.iiit.ac.in">anil@research.iiit.ac.in</a><br><br>FOR GENERAL ENQUIRIES (ACCOMMODATION ETC.), PLEASE CONTACT:<br><br>
IJCNLP-08 Secretariat<br>International Institute of Information Technology<br>Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032, Andhra Pradesh, India<br>Tel: +91-40-2300 0646; Fax: +91-40-2300 0044<br>Email: <a href="mailto:ijcnlp08@iiit.ac.in">
ijcnlp08@iiit.ac.in</a><br><br>*************************************************************<br><br>WORKSHOP PROGRAM<br><br>Opening Remarks: NLP for Less Privileged Languages: Where do we<br>come from? Where are we going?
<br>[Anil Kumar Singh]<br> <br>SESSION 1<br><br>Invited Talk: Building Language Resources: Ways to move forward<br>[Anne David and Michael Maxwell]<br><br>KUI: an ubiquitous tool for Collective Intelligence Development
<br>[Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Thatsanee Charoenporn, Kergrit Robkop<br>and Hitoshi Isahara]<br><br>Prototype Machine Translation System From Text-To-Indian<br>Sign Language<br>[Tirthankar Dasgupta, Sandipan Dandapat and Anupam Basu]
<br><br>SESSION 2<br><br>Invited Talk: Cross Language Resource Sharing<br>[Virach Sornlertlamvanich]<br><br>Joint Grammar Development by Linguists and Computer Scientists<br>[Michael Maxwell and Anne David]<br><br>Cross-Language Parser Adaptation between Related Languages
<br>[Daniel Zeman and Philip Resnik]<br><br>SriShell Primo: A Predictive Sinhala Text Input System<br>[Sandeva Goonetilleke, Yoshihiko Hayashi, Yuichi Itoh<br>and Fumio Kishino]<br> <br>SESSION 3<br><br>Invited Talk: Breaking the Zipfian Barrier of NLP
<br>[Monojit Choudhury]<br><br>POSTER DISPLAY AND DISCUSSION<br><br>An Optimal Order of Factors for the Computational Treatment<br>of Personal Anaphoric Devices in Urdu Discourse<br><br>[Mohammad Naveed Ali, Muhammad Abid Khan and Muhammad
<br>Aamir Khan]<br><br>Morphology Driven Manipuri POS Tagger<br><br>[Thoudam Doren Singh and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay]<br><br>Acharya - A Text Editor and Framework for working with<br>Indic Scripts<br><br>[Krishnakumar Veeraraghavan and Indrani Roy]
<br><br>Implementing a Speech Recognition System Interface for Indian<br>Languages<br><br>[Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal and Mayank Dave]<br><br>Indigenous Languages of Indonesia: Creating Language Resources<br>for Language Preservation
<br><br>[Hammam Riza]<br><br>Part Of Speech Tagger for Gujarati using Conditional Random<br>Fields<br><br>[Chirag Patel and Karthik Gali]<br><br>Speech to speech machine translation: Biblical chatter from<br>Finnish to English
<br><br>[David Ellis, Mathias Creutz, Timo Honkela and Mikko Kurimo]<br> <br>SESSION 4<br><br>A Rule-based Syllable Segmentation of Myanmar Text<br><br>[Zin Maung Maung and Yoshiki Mikami]<br><br>Strategies for sustainable MT for Basque: incremental design,
<br>reusability, standardization and open-source<br><br>[Iń Alegria, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Artola, Arantza Diaz de<br>Ilarraza, Gorka Labaka, Mikel Lersundi, Aingeru Mayor<br>and Kepa Sarasola]<br><br>Design of a Rule-based Stemmer for Natural Language Text
<br>in Bengali<br><br>[Sandipan Sarkar and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay]<br><br>Finite State Solutions For Reduplication In Kinyarwanda Language<br><br>[Jackson Muhirwe and Trond Trosterud]<br><br>CLOSING DISCUSSION<br><br>