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Iconicity has been the focus of considerable attention since the beginning of the twentieth century. It has been demonstrated that every aspect of language can be affected by the principles of iconicity. <br><br>The University of Rouen will be organizing an International Conference on Prosody and Iconicity on 23-24 October 2008. <br><br>Plenary Speakers: <br>-Antoine Auchlin, University of Geneva<br>-John Ohala, University of Berkeley; <br>-Anne Wichmann, University of Central Lancashire. <br><br>Call for Papers <br><br>The purpose of the conference is to shed new light on the interrelation between prosody and iconicity by enlarging the number of parameters traditionally considered and by confronting various theoretical backgrounds. <br>The parameters taken into account may include but are not limited to the following: <br>- socio-linguistics and socio-phonetics<br>- speech situation and context; <br>- attitudes and emotions; <br>- gestures and multimodality;<br>- domains interaction (prosody, syntax, pragmatics, etc.)<br><br>A special interest will be given to the presentation and the comparison of different theoretical perspectives such as Information Structure theory, Grice's theory, Relevance theory, grammaticalization theory, Gussenhoven's biological codes, prosodic modelling, etc. <br><br>Time for Papers: 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions. <br><br>CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: English and French<br><br>SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: <br>Abstracts should be anonymous and no more than one side of A4. They should be sent to the following address in PDF format: prosico2008 hotmail.com <br>Please include the following information in the main body of your email: title and name of author(s); affiliation; email address for correspondence; presentation title; 3-5 keywords. <br><br>IMPORTANT DATES <br>Submission Deadline: July 20, 2008 <br>Notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors by August 20, 2008.<br><br>ORGANISING COMMITTEE:<br>ERIAC (EA, Université de Rouen)<br>ARP (EA 333, Université de Paris 7)<br>LPL (CNRS, Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille)<br>LPP (CNRS, Université de Paris 3)<br><br>SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE:<br>Kai Alter, University of Newcastle<br>Arto Anttila, Stanford University<br>Dagmar Barth-Weingarten, University of Potsdam<br>Anton Batliner, University of Muenchen<br>Steven Baumann, University of Koeln<br>Roxane Bertrand, Université de Provence<br>Philippe Blache, Université de Provence<br>Armelle Bonpain, Université de Provence<br>George Boulakia, Université de Paris 7<br>Felix Burkhardt, T-systems, Berlin<br>Nick Campbell, ATR, Kyoto<br>Katy Carlson, Morehead State University<br>Aojun Chen, Max Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics<br>Jennifer Cole, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign<br>Roddie Cowie, Queen’s Belfast University<br>Nicole Dehé, Free University of Berlin<br>Laurence Devillers, Université de Paris 11<br>Laura Dilley, Bowling Green State University<br>Maria Paola d’Imperio, Université de Provence<br>Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Queen’s Belfast University<br>Ronald Geluykens, University of Oldenburg<br>Didier Grandjean, Université de Genève<br>Mark Gray, Université de Paris 12<br>Martine Grice, University of Koeln<br>Carlos Gussenhoven, Radboud University<br>Ulrike Gut, University of Augsburg<br>Sylvie Hancil, Université de Rouen<br>Daniel Hirst, Université de Provence<br>Sun-Ah Jun, UCLA<br>Carlos Toshinori Ishi, ATR, Kyoto<br>Matthias Jilka, University of Stuttgart<br>Philippe Martin, Université de Paris 7<br>Ineke Mennen, University of Bangor<br>Aliyah Morgenstern, ENS-LSH, Lyon<br>Cristel Portes, Université de Provence<br>Steven Schaefer, Université de Paris 4<br>Janet Slifka, MIT Institute<br>Shari Speer, Ohio State University<br>Beatrice Szczepek Reed, University of Nottingham<br>Jürgen Trouvain, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken<br>Jacqueline Vaissière, Université de Paris 3<br>Jose Vicente, Université de Rouen<br>Nigel Ward, University of Texas, El Paso<br>John Wells, University College London<br>Ann Wennerstrom, University of Washington<br>Yi Xu, University College London<br><br>For more information on the conference, go to the conference website: www.prosico.com<br><br><br /><hr />Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. <a href='http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx ' target='_new'>Check it out!</a></body>