<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello,</div>
<div><br>I work on the generation of star schema diagrams (data warehouse) from analytical requirements written in English.<br>I prepared a grammar to guide the decision maker in writing its analytical requirements and I want to develop a component to check if these requirements are written in conformity with the grammar which I developed.<br>
My idea is to use a pos tagger to tag each word in the requirement specification and then check if the result of tagging is in agreement with the grammar.<br>In the literature I found several POS tagger (qtag, stanford pos tagger…) and several approaches…<br>
My question is there somebody who can help me to: <br>(1) choose the POS tagger which is appropriate to my context <br>(2) guide me or give me some guidelines in justifying this choice.<br>Thank you in advance for your help.</div>
<div><br>Fahmi bargui </div>
<div>Phd-student </div>
<div><a href="mailto:MIR@CL" target="_blank">MIR@CL</a> laboratory, TUNISIA.</div></div>