To whom it may concern,<br>I am a French student in English linguistics and I would like to start a PhD on "The Manipulation of Language in the Criminal Arena." I am interested in looking at how people who are interrogated or prosecuted are influenced by the way the questions asked to them are phrased, how the phrasing may alter their memory, etc. <br>
I would therefore need transcripts of police questionings and was wondering whether such corpora already existed. <br>I am aware of the difficulty in getting hold of such data or in constituting my own corpora because of the inaccessibility of prisons. I was thus also thinking about shifting my area of research into trials in courts, and was wondering whether someone had already worked on transcripts of court hearings, or if there was an accessible database somewhere (like archives). <br>
Thank you in advance for your answer.<br>Best regards,<br>Alexandra Werner<br>