Apologies for cross-postings. The deadline for BioNLP 2010 has been extended to Monday, April 12, midnight East Coast time. Due to the demands of the review process, it is not possible to grant any extensions past that time.<br>
<br>BIONLP 2010<br><br>An ACL 2010 Workshop<br>Uppsala, Sweden, July 15<br>Workshop
submissions due: Monday Apr 12, 2010, 11:59 PM Eastern US<br>Workshop
web site: <a href="http://compbio.uchsc.edu/BioNLP2010/index.shtml" target="_blank">http://compbio.uchsc.edu/BioNLP2010/index.shtml</a><br>
<br>WORKSHOP OVERVIEW AND SCOPE<br>------------------------------<div id=":18m" class="ii gt">---------------------<br>Continuing
a successful series of annual BioNLP workshops at ACL <br>and NAACL
starting in 2002, and in accordance with the ACL SIGBIOMED<br>
(<a href="http://www.sigbiomed.org/" target="_blank">www.sigbiomed.org</a>)
tradition of presenting work on a broad range of <br>topics, we invite
submissions on any topic of current interest in <br>the field of
Biomedical Natural Language Processing.<br>
<br>Along with accepting submissions this year on any topic of current <br>interest
in the field, we will encourage submissions on practical <br>applications
of BioNLP. <br> <br>We especially encourage submissions on:<br>
<br> - Entity identification and normalization <br> for a broad range
of semantic categories <br> - Species-independent gene normalization<br> -
Extraction of complex relations<br> - Discourse analysis<br> - Anaphora
- Coreference resolution<br> - Text mining<br> - Summarization<br>
-- Summarization/translation of clinical data for patients<br> -
Question answering<br> - Resources and novel strategies for system
testing and evaluation<br>
<br>IMPORTANT DATES<br>----------------------------<br>Submission
deadline: Monday April 12, 2010 <br>Notification of acceptance: Monday
May 10, 2010 <br>Camera-ready copy due from authors: Friday May 21,
2010 <br>Workshop: Thursday, Jul 15, 2010<br>
<br>KEYNOTE SPEAKER<br>----------------<br>Dr. John Wilbur, NCBI/NLM<br>Second
speaker TBA<br><br>SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS<br>-----------------------------------------<br>Two
types of submissions are invited: full papers and poster abstracts. <br>
Submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST on Friday Apr 9, 2010. Submit <br>your
paper or abstract via the ACL website: <br><br><a href="https://www.softconf.com/acl2010/BioNLP" target="_blank">https://www.softconf.com/acl2010/BioNLP</a>.
<br>Full papers should not exceed eight (8) pages of text and one page <br>of
references. These are intended to be reports of original research.<br>BioNLP
aims to be the forum for interesting, innovative, and promising <br>
work involving biomedicine and language technology, whether or not <br>yielding
high performance at the moment. <br>This by no means precludes our
interest in and preference for mature <br>results, strong performance,
and thorough evaluation. <br>
Both types of research and combinations thereof are encouraged.<br><br>Poster
abstracts should not exceed two (2) pages. Accepted abstracts <br>will
be published in a separate section of the workshop proceedings. <br>Appropriate
poster topics include preliminary results, application <br>
notes, descriptions of work in progress, etc.<br><br>Submissions must be
electronic and in PDF format, and should follow <br>the two-column
format of ACL proceedings. Please see the conference <br>website for
detailed typesetting specifications. <br>
Authors are strongly encouraged to use the style files and formatting <br>instructions
available on the ACL conference website:<br><br><a href="http://acl2010.org/authors.html" target="_blank">http://acl2010.org/authors.html</a><br><br>Submissions
need to be anonymous. <br>
Authors who cannot submit a PDF file electronically should contact <br>the
workshop organizers well in advance of the submission deadline.<br><br>Dual
submission policy: note that papers may not be submitted to <br>the
BioNLP 2010 workshop if they are or will be concurrently <br>
submitted to another meeting or publication and that other <br>meeting
or publication prohibits dual submissions. If your paper <br>is also
submitted to ISMB or AMIA, you should expect it to be <br>rejected by
ISMB and AMIA. If your paper is or will be concurrently <br>
under consideration by another meeting or publication, notify us of <br>that
fact in a footnote on the first page. Do not dual-submit your <br>BioNLP
2010 workshop paper to ISMB or AMIA.<br><br>ACL MENTORING SERVICE<br>--------------------------------------<br>
ACL is providing a mentoring (coaching) service for authors from <br>regions
of the world where English is less emphasized as a language <br>of
scientific exchange. Many authors from these regions, although <br>able
to read the scientific literature in English, have little or <br>
no experience in writing papers in English for conferences such as <br>the
ACL meetings. The service will be arranged as follows. A set of <br>potential
mentors will be identified by Mentoring Service Chairs Bjorn <br>Gambck
(SICS, Sweden and NTNU, Norway) and Diana McCarthy (Lexical <br>
Computing Ltd., UK), who will organize this service for ACL 2010. If <br>you
would like to take advantage of the service for a submission to <br>this
workshop, please upload your paper in PDF format using the paper <br>submission
software for the mentoring service available at:<br>
<br> <a href="https://www.softconf.com/acl2010/acl2010mentor/" target="_blank">https://www.softconf.com/acl2010/acl2010mentor/</a><br><br>The
deadline for the mentoring service is six weeks before the <br>workshop
submission deadline. An appropriate mentor will be assigned <br>
to your paper and the mentor will get back to you no later than two <br>weeks
before the submission deadline.<br> <br>Please note that this service
is for the benefit of the authors as <br>described above. It is not a
general mentoring service for authors to <br>
improve the technical content of their papers.<br><br>Questions about
the mentoring service should be referred to <br><a href="mailto:mentoring@acl2010.org" target="_blank">mentoring@acl2010.org</a>.<br><br><br>
* Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine<br>
* Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine<br> * Sophia
Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining<br> and University of
Manchester, UK<br> * John Pestian, Computational Medicine Center,
Cincinnati Children's<br>
Hospital and Medical Center<br> * Jun-ichi Tsujii, University of
Tokyo, Japan<br> and University of Manchester, UK<br> * Bonnie
Webber, University of Edinburgh, UK<br><font color="#888888"><br clear="all"></font></div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>K. B. Cohen<br>Biomedical Text Mining Group Lead, Center for Computational Pharmacology<br>and<br>Lead Artificial Intelligence Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, Human Language Technology Division<br>
303-916-2417 (cell) 303-377-9194 (home)<br><a href="http://compbio.uchsc.edu/Hunter_lab/Cohen">http://compbio.uchsc.edu/Hunter_lab/Cohen</a><br><br>