Deadline extension European Summer School „Culture & Technology“,
hosted by the University of Leipzig, Germany, July 26-30 2010<br><br>
<a href="http://www.culingtec.uni-leipzig.de/ESU/" eudora="autourl">
</a>We are pleased to announce that the deadline for applying for a place
in one of the workshops offered by the European Summer School has been
extended to the 15th of June 2010.<br><br>
Application is done via ConfTool:
<a href="https://www.conftool.net/esu2010/" eudora="autourl">
https://www.conftool.net/esu2010/</a> by creating an account and handing
in a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation (300-500 words). People
who would like to present their own project hand in a short description
of the project as well. Application by Email cannot be accepted.<br><br>
Notwithstanding the extension of the deadline, we aim at starting the
selection process in the next few days so that people who have already
handed in their documents can be notified of the result around the 16th
of June and can start to organize their journey. <br><br>
People should only <u>register </u>for the Summer School once they have
been attributed a place in one of the workshops.<br><br>
All the necessary information can be found on the multi-lingual Web-Site
of the Summer School. Please, read the information carefully.<br><br>
If you have any questions please contact the organizers at:
Elisabeth Burr<br>
Organizer of the European Summer School<br>
University of Leipzig<br>