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Workshop on Language Technology applied to biomedical and health<br>
<a href="http://basesdatos.uc3m.es/BioSEPLN10" target="_blank">http://basesdatos.uc3m.es/BioSEPLN10</a><br>
SEPLN 2010 satellite workshop (<a href="http://www.sepln.org/" target="_blank">http://www.sepln.org</a>)<br>
<br><h2>Important Dates</h2>
<ul><li>Paper submission: June 26th</li><li>Notification of acceptance
papers: July 17nd</li><li>Final Camera Ready paper due: July 31th</li><li>Worshop
day: September, 6th afternoon 2010</li></ul>
Call for papers<br>
In the last decade, language technology has received an increasing<br>
interest as suitable solution to retrieval and analyse the huge volume<br>
of published documents in biological domain. Recently, medical domain<br>
also benefit from the application of such technology. The workshop is<br>
intended to provide a forum for discussing the latest advances of<br>
language technology applied to biological and medical domains. The<br>
workshop aims to provide a broad view on the shortcomings of current<br>
existing techniques, tools, or resources as well as emergent<br>
applications concerning accessing scientific publications and<br>
health general interest documents with special attention to non English<br>
Participants are encouraged to submit a paper to the workshop in order<br>
to present their research work to the audience in a regular workshop<br>
session together with special invited speakers. Submitted papers will be<br>
reviewed by the program committee. Ongoing research as well as doctoral<br>
position papers are also welcome.<br>
The event is envisaged to be a half day workshop with the following<br>
structure: two invited speakers from a relevant research group in the<br>
biomedical area and several oral presentations of accepted papers.<br>
Topics of interest<br>
Authors are invited to submit original papers addressing any of the<br>
following key topics but not limited to:<br>
- Text mining from clinical documents<br>
- Integration of biomedical resources in specific applications<br>
- Woks on minor languages and/or different from English<br>
- Real world applications (IR systems for medical and scientific<br>
specialists, medical education, health knowledge organization,<br>
- Evaluation methodologies<br>
- Biomedical corpus development<br>
- Information Retrieval in health domain<br>
- Classification of clinical and biological documents (for instance,<br>
- Biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Concept Identification<br>
- Information Extraction from biological and clinical documents<br>
- Anonymisation of clinical texts<br>
- Information fusion: integrating data from heterogeneous biomedical<br>
sources, connecting resources<br>
- Methods of creating, reviewing and editing scientific content<br>
- Summarization of electronic patient records, medical reports,<br>
scientific articles, etc.<br>
- Creation of biomedical annotated corpora<br>
- Creation and evaluation of linguistic tools for biomedical domain<br>
in different languages<br>
- Evaluation methodologies in biomedical domain: system-oriented and<br>
user-oriented evaluations<br>
Program committee<br>
- Manuel Alcántara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain<br>
- Rafael Berlanga, Universidad Jaume I, Spain<br>
- Manuel de Buenaga, Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM), Spain<br>
- Roxana Danger, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain<br>
- Thierry Declerck, DFKI, Germany<br>
- Ana García Serrano, Universidad Nacional Educación a Distancia<br>
(UNED), Spain<br>
- Roxana Girju, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA<br>
- José Carlos González-Cristobal, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,<br>
- Ana Iglesias, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain<br>
- Antonio José Jimeno Yepes, National Library of Medicine (NLM),<br>
Washington DC, USA<br>
- Jee-Hyub Kim, EMBL-EBI, UK.<br>
- Martin Krallinger, Structural Computational Biology Group, CNIO,<br>
- Florian Leitner, Structural Computational Biology Group, CNIO,<br>
- Paloma Martínez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain<br>
- Antonio Molina, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain<br>
- Roser Morante, CLiPS - Linguistics Department, University of<br>
- Antonio Moreno Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain<br>
- Cesar de Pablo-Sánchez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain<br>
- Ferrán Pla, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain<br>
- Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain<br>
- Patrick Ruch, University and Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland<br>
- Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain<br>
- Min Song, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA<br>
- Alfonso Ureña, Universidad de Jaén, Spain<br>
- Alfonso Valencia, Structural Computational Biology Group, CNIO,<br>
- Giorgio Valentini, University of Milano, Italy<br>
Each contribution must be prepared following the format provided on the<br>
conference web site:<br>
(<a href="http://www.sepln.org/revistaSEPLN/Instrevista.php?lang=en" target="_blank">http://www.sepln.org/revistaSEPLN/Instrevista.php?lang=en</a>),
and should<br>
not exceed the length of 5 pages (extended versions will be required to<br>
publish proceedings after workshop); the authors may use<br>
LaTeX <<a href="http://www.sepln.org/SEPLN_latex.zip" target="_blank">http://www.sepln.org/SEPLN_latex.zip</a>>
or Microsoft Word<br>
<<a href="http://www.sepln.org/SEPLN_word.zip" target="_blank">http://www.sepln.org/SEPLN_word.zip</a>>
templates when preparing their<br>
drafts. The papers should be submitted electronically before the paper<br>
submission deadline using EasyChair online<br>
<<a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=biosepln10" target="_blank">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=biosepln10</a>>
system. All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by two<br>
reviewers. The initial manuscript submission should not include<br>
acknowledgements, authors' names or their affiliations. The program<br>
committee will be responsible for the final decision about acceptance of<br>
papers submitted to the workshop. All accepted papers will be included<br>
in the workshop working notes but extended/revised versions of<br>
contributions will be ellectronically published as CEUR workshop<br>
proceedings (<a href="http://ceur-ws.org/" target="_blank">http://CEUR-WS.org</a>
<<a href="http://ceur-ws.org/" target="_blank">http://ceur-ws.org/</a>>).
At least one<br>
author must be registered at the workshop for each accepted paper.<br>
<br clear="all"></div><br>-- <br>Isabel Segura Bedmar<br>Despacho
2.2.A.10<br>Telf: 91 624 99 88<br>Departamento de Informática<br>Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid, <br><br><a href="http://www.inf.uc3m.es/component/comprofiler/userprofile/isegura" target="_blank">http://www.inf.uc3m.es/component/comprofiler/userprofile/isegura</a><br>
<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Isabel Segura Bedmar<br>Despacho 2.2.A.10<br>Telf: 91 624 99 88<br>Departamento de Informática<br>Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, <br><br><a href="http://www.inf.uc3m.es/component/comprofiler/userprofile/isegura">http://www.inf.uc3m.es/component/comprofiler/userprofile/isegura</a><br>