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Members of this list may be interested to hear that the European
Commission's <i>Joint Research Centre</i> (JRC) is organising <a
title="JRC competitions 2010"
competitions</a> to recruit new scientific/technical staff in
various fields on the basis of a permanent contract. <br>
The call in the field of "Communication/Information Technology"
includes positions in the area of computational linguistics and web
mining. <br>
The call closes on 4 November. See <a
and <a href="http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/spe_en.htm">http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/spe_en.htm</a>
for details. <br>
Please feel free to distribute this announcement.<br>
----- <br>
The <i>Joint Research Centre</i> in Ispra, Northern Italy, started
working on <b>Text Mining </b>in 1998 and has since developed
complex and highly multilingual applications seamlessly integrating
<b>Language Technology</b> tools such as clustering, classification,
named entity recognition and classification (NERC), name variant
matching, event scenario template filling, multi-document
summarisation, sentiment analysis, topic detection and tracking,
cross-lingual linking of related documents and machine translation.<br>
The focus of the JRC's work has always been on <b>high
multilinguality </b>(between ten and fifty languages), on <b>multilingual
and multi- document information aggregation </b>and fusion, as
well as on tools to provide <b>cross-lingual information access</b>.
The text analysis tools have been integrated with the news gathering
engine <i>Europe Media Monitor</i> (EMM). The four EMM applications
<a href="http://emm.newsbrief.eu/">NewsBrief</a>, <a
href="http://emm.newsexplorer.eu/">NewsExplorer</a>, <a
href="http://medusa.jrc.it/">Medical Information System MedISys</a>
and <a href="http://emm-labs.jrc.it/">EMM-Labs </a>are freely
accessible via <a href="http://emm.jrc.it/overview.html">
http://emm.jrc.it/overview.html</a> .<br>
Media Monitor</a> gathers an average of 100,000 news articles per
day in fifty languages. <a
applies text mining tools to <b>twenty languages</b>: Arabic,
Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, French, German,
Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene,
Spanish, Swahili (coming soon), Swedish and Turkish. <br>
For more information, go to:<br>
- <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=5750">http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=5750</a>
and <a href="http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/spe_en.htm">http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/spe_en.htm</a>
to read about the open competition;<br>
- <a href="http://emm.jrc.it/overview.html">http://emm.jrc.it/overview.html</a>
to try out the four publicly accessible news analysis applications;<br>
- <a href="http://langtech.jrc.ec.europa.eu">http://langtech.jrc.ec.europa.eu</a>
to read up on the JRC's scientific-technical work, lists of
publications, and more.<br>
<i>Please note that the authoritative source of information on any
EPSO competition is the Notice of Competition published in the
Official Journal of the European Union. If there is any conflict
between information provided from any other source and the Notice
of Competition, the latter takes precedence. <br>
Ralf Steinberger<br>
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)<br>
Ispra, Italy<br>
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