CALL FOR PAPERS<br><br>Production of Referring Expressions: Bridging the gap between computational, empirical and theoretical approaches to reference (PRE-CogSci 2011) <br><br>20 July 2011, Boston, Massachusetts. This workshop is organized as part of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2011)<br>
<br>Website: <a href=""></a><br>Email: <a href=""></a><br><br>We invite submissions on all topics related to reference production, and particularly encourage work that combines experimental, computational and theoretical approaches. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:<br>
<br>- different kinds of referring expressions; when are which types of reference (pronouns, descriptions, etc.) most appropriate?<br>- when and how do human speakers produce complex descriptions (e.g., plurals, quantified descriptions, relational descriptions)?<br>
- psychologically plausible computational models of reference production<br>- vagueness: the use of vague (e.g. gradable) predicates in referring expressions<br>- individual variation and non-determinism in reference production<br>
- referential overspecification: why and how do speakers overspecify?<br>- referential underspecification: production of descriptions which do not uniquely identify a referent<br>- referring expressions in interactive settings; audience design, <br>
- adaptation and alignment<br>- ambiguity avoidance in references<br>- common ground, cooperativeness and shared/private information in reference<br>- realization of referring expressions (including speech and gesture)<br>
- visual scene perception and its influence on the production of referring expressions<br>- how do social and contextual factors influence reference production<br>- data-collection and experimental evaluation method<br><br>
Extended abstract submission:<br>Paper selection will be based on extended, 1000 word abstracts. <br>The only accepted format for submitted abstracts is PDF. <br>Abstracts should be submitted here: <a href=""></a><br>
<br>Final submission:<br>Upon acceptance, authors are invited to prepare a 4-6 page paper using the CogSci author kit. Final versions need to be submitted as PDF. Papers will be published in on line proceedings, and the authors retain the copyrights.<br>
<br>Special issue:<br>We will publish a special issue related to this workshop in Language and Cognitive Processes. A separate call for papers for this special issue will be distributed in due course.<br><br>If authors have any questions, they should contact the workshop organizers at <a href=""></a><br>
<br>Invited speakers:<br><br>- Jeannette Gundel (University of Minnesota - theoretical linguistics), <br>- Amanda Stent (AT&T Labs - computational linguistics and dialogue),<br>- Dale Barr (University of Glasgow - psycholinguistics)<br>
<br>Organizers:<br><br>- Kees van Deemter, University of Aberdeen<br>- Albert Gatt, University of Malta<br>- Roger van Gompel, University of Dundee<br>- Emiel Krahmer, Tilburg University<br><br>The following researchers have agreed to be members of the Program Committee:<br>
<br>- Jennifer Arnold, University of North Carolina, USA<br>- Adrian Bangerter, Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland<br>- Dale Barr, University of Glasgow, UK<br>- Susan Brennan, Stony Brook University, USA<br>- Sarah Brown-Schmidt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA<br>
- Robert Dale, Macquarie University, Australia<br>- Victor Ferreira, University of California, USA<br>- Claire Gardent, CNRS, France<br>- Simon Garrod, University of Glasgow, UK<br>- Jeanette Gundel, University of Minnesota, USA<br>
- Martijn Goudbeek, Tilburg University, The Netherlands<br>- Markus Guhe, University of Edinburgh, UK<br>- Ellen Gurman Bard, University of Edinburgh, UK<br>- Daphna Heller, University of Toronto, Canada<br>- Helmut Horacek, University of the Saarlandes, Germany<br>
- John Kelleher, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland<br>- Alfons Maes, Tilburg University, The Netherlands<br>- Danielle Matthews, University of Sheffield, UK<br>- Linda Moxey, University of Glasgow, UK<br>- Martin Pickering, University of Edinburgh, UK<br>
- Paul Piwek, Open University, UK<br>- Ehud Reiter, University of Aberdeen, UK<br>- David Reitter, Pittsburgh University, USA<br>- Jan-Peter de Ruiter, University of Bielefeld, Germany<br>- Advaith Siddharthan, University of Aberdeen, UK<br>
- Amanda Stent, AT&T Labs, USA<br>- Matthew Stone, Rutgers University, USA<br>- Takenobu Tokunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan<br>- Duane Watson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA<br><br>Important Dates:<br>
<br>- May 15, 2011: Deadline for abstract submission<br>- June 8, 2011: Notification of acceptance<br>- July 8, 2009: Deadline for full paper submission<br>- July 20, 2009: Workshop<br><br><br>