<b>4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CORPUS LINGUISTICS<br>Language, corpora and applications: diversity and change (CILC2012)<br>22-24 March 2012<br><a href="http://www.cilc2012.es">http://www.cilc2012.es</a><br>Department of English Philology<br>
UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN<br></b><br>The Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics (AELINCO) and the local Organizing Committee are pleased to announce that the 4th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2012) will be hosted by the University of Jaén from 22 to 24 March 2012.<br>
<br>CILC2012 will be pleased to welcome the following plenary speakers:<br><br>• Prof. Dr. Bas Aarts. University College London, United Kingdom.<br>• Prof. Dra. Teresa Fanego. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.<br>
• Prof. Dr. Geoffrey N. Leech. University of Lancaster, United Kingdom.<br>• Prof. Dr. W. Detmar Meurers. Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany.<br>• Prof. Dr. Matti Rissanen. Helsingin yliopisto (University of Helsinki), Finland.<br>
• Dr. Paul Thompson. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.<br><br>The Organizing Committee of CILC2012 invites scholars and researchers to submit paper and poster proposals (abstracts) related to the theme of this edition, within any one of the following nine thematic panels established by the AELINCO:<br>
<br>• Corpus design, compilation and types, chaired by Dr. Francisco Alonso Almeida, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.<br>• Discourse, literary analysis and corpora, chaired by Dr. José Luis Oncins, Universidad de Extremadura.<br>
• Corpus-based grammatical studies, chaired by Dr. Javier Pérez Guerra, Universidade de Vigo.<br>• Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography, chaired by Dr. Pedro Fuertes Olivera, Universidad de Valladolid.<br>• Corpora, contrastive studies and translation, chaired by Dr. María de los Ángeles Gómez, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.<br>
• Corpora and linguistic variation, chaired by Dr. María José López Couso, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.<br>• Corpus-based computational linguistics, chaired by Dr. Carlos Subirats, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California.<br>
• Corpora, language acquisition and teaching, chaired by Dr. Raquel Criado Sánchez, Universidad de Murcia.<br>• Special uses of corpus linguistics, chaired by Dr. Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.<br>
<br>Guidelines and deadline for abstract submissions<br><br>Paper and poster proposals must be abstracts written in English or Spanish, and should contain between 500 and 550 words (excluding references).<br><br>• Abstracts must be in MSWord (doc or docx). The file name should contain at least the first six words of the title followed by “_text” (e.g., Corpus_linguistics_in_Europe_text.doc/docx).<br>
• The author’s name or affiliation must not be included anywhere in this file.<br>• Abstracts must be submitted through the following link: EasyAbs (<a href="http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/customabssub.cfm?Emeetingid=1002J84658766E5A408040441">http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/customabssub.cfm?Emeetingid=1002J84658766E5A408040441</a>).<br>
• When filling out the abstract submission form in EasyAbs, please choose only one panel and only one type of contribution.<br>• The deadline for abstract submission is 1 January 2012.<br>• Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 25 January 2012.<br>
<br>Two pre-conference workshops will be held on Wednesday 21 March, in the afternoon: . “Multilayered Analysis of Spoken Corpora”, chaired by Nicolas Ballier (U. Paris-Diderot) and “English Historical<br>Corpora Compiled in Spain”, chaired by Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes (U. of Jaén). For further information, visit the following website:<br>
<br><a href="http://www.cilc2012.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=17&lang=en">http://www.cilc2012.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=17&lang=en</a>.<br>
<br>Kind regards.<br>We look forward to your contributions and to meeting you in Jaén next year!<br>Jaén, 7th December, 2011.<br><br>THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE<br>Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes ( <a href="mailto:cilc2012@ujaen.es">cilc2012@ujaen.es</a>)<br>
Antonio V. Casas Pedrosa<br>Ana Díaz Negrillo<br>Salvador Valera Hernández<br>Javier Díaz Pérez<br>Jesús Fernández Domínguez<br>Miguel Á. Benítez Castro<br>