<br>Workshop on the Annotation of Modal Meaning in Natural Language (WAMM) -- 2nd Call for Papers <br>(** new deadline **)<br><a href="https://sites.google.com/a/georgetown.edu/iwcs-2013-wamm/">https://sites.google.com/a/georgetown.edu/iwcs-2013-wamm/</a> <br>
<br>Workshop to be held in conjunction with the International Conference for Computational Semantics (IWCS)<br><br>Potsdam, March 19, 2013<br><br>In the Workshop on the Annotation of Modal Meaning, we aim to bring together researchers from a variety of backgrounds with interest in the design and development of resources for the sophisticated annotation of modal meaning in text (as expressed by modal auxiliaries, modal adjectives, and attitude verbs).<br>
<br>The annotation of modal meaning presents a number of wide ranging problems, relating to the choice of features to be annotated, the scopal interaction of modals with other elements, and the subtlety of the distinctions to be drawn among modality types. Modals tend to be highly ambiguous, with senses that are subtly distinct and overlapping. There are also pervasive contextual pressures on interpretation, as well as grammatical constraints operative in particular syntactic configurations. The goal of this workshop is to provide a context for discussion of the challenges raised by the annotation of modal meaning (in various languages and textual genres), as well as the application of modally annotated corpora to theoretical investigation and to practical tasks like textual entailment, factuality and sentiment analysis.<br>
<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br><br>* Classes of modality (modal "flavors") and the desirable fine-grainedness of the annotation.<br>* Source of modality: identifying the agent behind the modal claim.<br>
* Identifying the scope of modal expressions: what is the proposition that is described as non-actual?<br>* Representing the interaction of degree modifiers with modal expressions. <br>* Polarity, negation, and modality.<br>
* Scopal and relational information in modal interpretation (modal subordination, situation anaphora).<br>* Annotation of the semantic scope between modals and other quantifiers.<br>* Modal interpretation in conversation: the representation of the shared beliefs and preferences of interlocutors.<br>
* Multilingual annotation and the prospects for a unified annotation scheme.<br>* Modality annotation efforts crosslinguistically.<br>* Viability of crowd-sourcing for the annotation of modality.<br>* Machine learning of modal features (e.g., sense disambiguation of modality classes).<br>
* Use of annotated corpora for translation and other NLP applications.<br><br><br>INVITED SPEAKER: <br>Prof. Dr. Anette Frank (Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Heidelberg)<br><br><br>SUBMISSIONS:<br>
We invite submissions of long and short papers on any topic related to the themes of the workshop. Papers (in PDF format) should be submitted for anonymous review through the workshop's Easychair submission page (<a href="https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwcs2013wamm">https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwcs2013wamm</a>). We strongly encourage the use of the ACL LaTeX format.<br>
<br>* Long papers: up to 8 pages, including references<br>* Short papers: up to 4 pages, including references<br><br><br>IMPORTANT DATES:<br>* Submission deadline for short and long papers: November 30, 2012<br>* Notification of acceptance: mid December, 2012<br>
* Camera-ready papers due: January 18, 2013<br>* Workshop date: March 19, 2013<br>* IWCS 2013 conference: March 20-22, 2013<br><br><br>ORGANIZERS:<br>Paul Portner, Georgetown University<br>Aynat Rubinstein, Georgetown University<br>
Graham Katz, CACI International<br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:iwcs2013wamm@gmail.com">iwcs2013wamm@gmail.com</a><br><br><br>PROGRAM COMMITTEE:<br>* Pranav Anand (University of California Santa Cruz)<br>* Mona Diab (Columbia University)<br>
* Ferdinand de Haan (Oracle)<br>* Valentine Hacquard (University of Maryland)<br>* Iris Hendrickx (University of Lisbon)<br>* Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (Stanford University)<br>* Lori Levin (carnegie Mellon University)<br>
* Christopher Potts (Stanford University)<br>* James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University)<br>* Ines Rehbein (Potsdam University)<br>* Josep Ruppenhofer (University of Hildesheim)<br>* Roser Sauri (Barcelona Media)<br>* Janyce Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh)<br>