<div dir="ltr">The Department of Computer Science has a position for a Research Associate in Machine Translation funded by the MODIST and QTLaunchPad projects to investigate the use of discourse information to improve statistical machine translation quality and its evaluation.<br>
<br>MODIST (Modelling Discourse in Statistical Translation) is an UK EPSRC project aimed at the problem of modelling discourse level relationships across sentences in statistical machine translation. QTLaunchPad (<a href="http://www.qt21.eu/launchpad/">http://www.qt21.eu/launchpad/</a>) is an EU FP7 initiative that aims to produce a better environment for large-scale collaborative research on high-quality machine translation. The work at the University of Sheffield focuses on quality estimation metrics, including document-wide metrics.<br>
<br>Applicants should have:<br><br>- PhD (or equivalent work experience) in Computer Science, Statistics/Maths or related area<br>- Experience in natural language processing, particularly machine translation or discourse processing<br>
- Experience in machine learning<br>- Strong programming skills in Perl/Python, C++, Java, etc.<br><br>Salary: £28,685 per year<br><br>Duration: 20 months, starting as soon as possible after May 15<br><br>For applications: <a href="http://www.shef.ac.uk/jobs">http://www.shef.ac.uk/jobs</a>, search and apply for jobs using reference number<br>
UOS006365<br><br>Closing date: 15 May 2013.<br><br>For informal inquiries contact Dr. Lucia Specia: <a href="mailto:L.Specia@sheffield.ac.uk">L.Specia@sheffield.ac.uk</a><br><br></div>