Call for Participation<br> NAACL 2013 workshop on:<br><br><br> Natural Language Processing for<br> Improving Textual Accessibility<br> (2nd NLP4ITA)<br>
<br> *** 14th June 2013 ****<br><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br><br><div style="text-align:left">
<br>In recent years there has been an increasing interest in accessibility and usability issues. <br>This interest is mainly due to the greater importance of the Web and the need to provide equal <br>access and equal opportunity to people with diverse disabilities. The role of assistive technologies<br>
based on language processing has gained importance as it can be observed from the growing number <br>of efforts (United Nations declarations on universal access to information or WAI guidelines related to <br>content) and research in conferences and workshops (W4A, ICCHP, ASSETS, SPLAT, etc.).<br>
However, language resources and tools to develop assistive technologies are still scarce.<br></div><br>NLP4ITA aims to bring together researchers focused on tools and resources for making textual information <br> more accessible to people with special needs including diverse ranges of hearing and sight disabilities, <br>
cognitive disabilities, elderly people, low-literacy readers and adults being alphabetized, among others.<br><br>This workshop will give an opportunity for individuals from different communities to present research<br>
findings, discover future challenges, and discuss potential collaboration.<br>
<br><br>=== Program ===<br><br>9:15- 9:30 - Opening Remarks by Workshop Chairs<br><br>9:30-10:00 - A User Study: Technology to Increase Teachers' Linguistic Awareness to<br>Improve Instructional Language Support for English Language Learners<br>
Jill Burstein, John Sabatini, Jane Shore, Brad Moulder and Jennifer Lentini<br><br>10:00-10:35 - Open Book: a tool for helping ASD users' semantic comprehension<br>Eduard Barbu, Maria Teresa Martín-Valdivia and Luis Alfonso Ureña-López<br>
<br>10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break<br><br>11:00-11:30 - Tools for non-native readers: the case for translation and simplification<br>Maxine Eskenazi, Yibin Lin and Oscar Saz<br><br>11:30-12:30 - Invited Talk: Information Accessibility: More than just text deep<br>
Kathleen F. McCoy, University of Delaware, USA<br><br>12:30-14:00 - Lunch Break<br><br>14:00-14:30 - Lexical Tightness and Text Complexity<br>Michael Flor, Beata Beigman Klebanov and Kathleen M. Sheehan<br><br>14:30-15:00 - A System for the Simplification of Numerical Expressions at Different Levels of<br>
Understandability<br>Susana Bautista, Raquel Hervás, Pablo Gervás, Richard Power and Sandra Williams<br><br>15:00-15:30 - A Two-Stage Approach for Generating Unbiased Estimates of Text Complexity<br>Kathleen M. Sheehan, Michael Flor and Diane Napolitano<br>
<br>15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break<br><br>16:00-17:00 - Final discussion and closing remarks<br><br><br><br>=== Organizers ===<br><br>Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Yahoo! Labs)<br>Luz Rello (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)<br>
Horacio Saggion (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)<br><br><br>=== Program Committee ===<br><br>Sandra Aluisio (University of Sao Paulo)<br>Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Yahoo! Labs)<br>Delphine Bernhard (University of Strassbourg)<br>
Nadjet Bouayad-Agha (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)<br>Giorgio Brajnik (Universidad de Udine)<br>Richard Evans (University of Wolverhampton)<br>Jose Manuel Gomez (Universidad de Alicante)<br>Raquel Hervás (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)<br>
David Kauchak (Middlebury College)<br>Guy Lapalme (University of Montreal)<br>Elena Lloret (Universidad de Alicante)<br>Paloma Martínez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)<br>Aurelien Max (Paris 11)<br>
Kathleen F. McCoy (University of Delaware)<br>Ornella Mich (Foundazione Bruno Kessler)<br>Paloma Moreda (Universidad de Alicante)<br>Constantin Orasan (University of Wolverhampton)<br>Luz Rello (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)<br>
Horacio Saggion (Universidad Pompeu Fabra )<br>J.M. Torres Moreno (University of Avignon)<br>Markel Vigo (University of Manchester)<br>Leo Wanner (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)<br>Yeliz Yesilada (Middle East Technical University Northern<br>
Cyprus Campus)<br><br><br>=== Contact Address ===<br><br>For further information please contact us at:<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a> or <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Dr. Horacio Saggion<br>TALN / DTIC<br>Universitat Pompeu Fabra<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Dr. Horacio Saggion<br>
TALN / DTIC<br>Universitat Pompeu Fabra<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>